Volume IV : page 139

First Edition. 4to. 67 leaves, printer’s imprint on the verso of the last leaf, otherwise blank; the imprint states that 400 copies were printed.
Not in Quérard.
Mezhov 12503.
Sabin 39246.
With regard to Siberia, Jefferson’s manuscript catalogue lists the Voiage a Siberie de l’Abbé Chappe [i.e. Chappe d’Auteroche, q.v.] not sold to Congress. It was from this book that Jefferson obtained his information on the temperature at Jenniseitz, quoted by him in the Notes on the State of Virginia (in Query VII).
Louis Guillaume René Cordier de Launay de Valeri, d. 1826, French savant, lived in St. Petersburg during the latter part of his life, and was for a time secretary to the Emperor Paul I.
Voiages de Hasselquist dans le Levant. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 120, no. 37, as above, but omitting le.
Voyages dans le Levant, dans les années 1749, 50, 51 & 52. Contenant des observations sur l’Histoire Naturelle, la Médecine, l’Agriculture & le Commerce, & particulierement sur l’Histoire naturelle de la Terre Sainte. Par Frédéric Hasselquist, Docteur en Médecine, Membre des Sociétés Royales d’Upsal & de Stockholm. Publiés par ordre du Roi de Suéde, par Charles Linnæus, premier Médecin de S. M. Suédoise, Professeur de Botanique à Upsal, & Membre de toutes les Sociétés sçavantes de l’Europe. Traduits de l’ Allemand par M.***. A Paris: Chez Saugrain le jeune, m. dcc. lxix . Avec Approbation & Privilége du Roi. [1769.]
First Edition. 12mo. 2 parts in 1, 132 and 104 leaves.
Quérard IV, 35.
Boucher de la Richarderie I, 247.
Entered by Jefferson on his undated manuscript catalogue with the price, 2.10.
Fredrik Hasselquist, 1722-1752, Swedish traveller and naturalist, was a pupil at Upsala of Linnaeus, through whose influence he undertook the journey to Palestine to study the natural history of that country. He visited Asia Minor, Egypt, Cyprus and Palestine, and died at Smyrna in 1752 on his way home. His notes were subsequently published by Linnaeus, with the title Resa till Heliga Landet förättad frän är 1749 till 1752, and translated into German, French and English.
For Charles [Carolus] Linnaeus, see the Index.
Marc Antoine Eiodus, “un traducteur infatigable”, made this translation into French from the German version.
Descouvertes des divers savans voyageurs en Russie et en Perse. 4. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 120, no. 143, as above, but reading voiageurs.
Histoire des Decouvertes faites par divers savans Voyageurs dans plusieurs contrées de la Russie & de la Perse, relativement à l’Histoire civile & naturelle, à l’Économie rurale, au Commerce, &c. Tome Premier. [-Quatrieme.] A Berne et Lausanne, m dcc lxxxi-m dcc lxxxiv . [1781-84.]
4 vol. 8vo. No copy of this edition was available for collation; the title as above was taken from the edition of Berne and La Haye, 1779-1787, in the Library of Congress. This edition is illustrated with numerous engraved plates.
Barbier II, 744.
This edition not in Quérard, not in Graesse and not in Boucher de la Richarderie.
Wilson, page 96.
An account of each of the “savans voyageurs,” Pierre Simon Pallas, Samuel George Gmelin, J. I. Lepekhin and others, is given in the Introduction. This French edition was translated and abridged by Jean Rodolphe Frey des Landres (1741-1811) a Swiss, from the Allgemeine Geschichte der neusten Entdeckungen edited by Jacob Samuel Wyttenbach (1748-1830).

Volume IV : page 139

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