Volume II : page 95

J. 16
The old and new testament. 2. v. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 68. no. 170, as above.
The Holy Bible, containing the old and new Testaments: Together with the Apocrypha; translated out of the original Tongues: and with the former translations, diligently compared and revised.--The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated out of the original Greek . . . Philadelphia: Printed for John Thompson & Abraham Small [From the Hot-Press of John Thompson]. 1798.
BS185 .1798 .P5
2 vol. Folio. Vol. I, 501 leaves, engraved frontispiece by Lawson after Barralet; vol. II, 126 leaves, list of subscribers’ names at the end; the Apocrypha printed in italics; text in double columns, vignette on both title-pages.
Evans 33408.
Not in Darlow & Moule.
O’Callaghan, page 54, no. 1.
Original tree calf, gilt line borders, gilt ornaments on the back, marbled endpapers. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T in vol. I, and in vol. II, on the second leaf of sig. G. which is signed 1, erroneously taken for sig. I. by Jefferson, and on sig. T. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Jefferson was one of the subscribers, and his name ( V. P. U. S.) is listed under Philadelphia, where, as Vice-President, he was then living.
This is the first American hot-pressed edition of the Bible, and was originally issued in 40 numbers, from June 1796 to October 1799.
J. 17
The holy bible and New testament, by Bowyer. Lond. 1796.
1815 Catalogue, page 68. no. 8, as above, with 12mo.
The Holy Bible. London: Published by R. Bowyer, 1796.
BS185 .1796 .L6
12mo. 354 leaves: A-C 12, D-Z, Aa-Zz, 3A-3K 6, 2 engraved title-pages; without the engraved page for the list of books; with notes at the foot of some lower margins.
Darlow and Moule 967.
Blue straight grain morocco, gilt line borders, g.e. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate inlaid in the new marbled endpapers.
J. 18
Scott’s Holy bible. and New testament. 5. v. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 67. no. 156, as above.
The Holy Bible, containing the old and new Testaments, with original Notes, practical observations, and copious marginal references. By Thomas Scott, Rector of Aston Sandford, Bucks, and Chaplain to the Lock Hospital. Vol. I [-III]. The first American, from the second London edition, improved and enlarged. Philadelphia: Printed by and for William W. Woodward, 1804-09.
BS491 .S35 1804
Together 5 vol. 4to. (the New Testament volumes not numbered); vol. I, 468 leaves; vol. II, 543 leaves; vol. III, 422 leaves; [vol. IV] 362 leaves; [vol. V] 369 leaves, the four unsigned leaves for the List of Subscribers and the Family Record.
Not in Darlow and Moule.
O’Callaghan, page 73, no. 2.
Old calf. The first two volumes are of slightly smaller size and have the original marbled edges, the New Testament volumes rebacked. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T.
Jefferson was one of the subscribers; his name is in the list at the end.
William W. Woodward, the publisher, first wrote to Jeferson concerning this publication on February 28, 1804: “I have taken the liberty, which I should not have done, had I not felt confident of your approbation.-- In a package, which I sent by this mail, you will find a sheet and Proposal of Dr Scott’s highly improved and admired edition of the Holy Bible, the first Volume of which will make its appearance the last of next month--and others to be published as fast as they can be received from Europe. . .” (Huntington.)
On March 30, 1810, W. W. Woodward wrote from Philadelphia to Jefferson: “Will you be kind enough to inform me, whether you will have your last Volume of Scott’s Bible bound in one or two vols--I mean in boards as the other three were, which you have received. the Volume is larger than the others by 2 or 300 ”

Volume II : page 95

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