Volume II : page 94

Hebræo Latinè redditum. Et Testamentvm novvm, à Theod. Beza è Græco in Latinum versum. Amsterodami: apud Guiljel. Ianssonium Cæsium, c I ɔ I ɔc xxvIII .
BS90 .1628
12mo. 480 leaves including 2 blanks at the end; the text ends on Rr 9, Rr 10 has the printer’s device; title within an engraved border in compartments; the text in double columns; with the Apocrypha; no separate title for the New Testament.
This edition not in Darlow and Moule (1627 only).
Old calf, repaired. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Ordered by Jefferson from Van Damme, page 56, vol. I in the catalogue supplied on March 23, 1788, Jefferson being in Amsterdam at the time.
Entered on the undated manuscript catalogue, without price.
Libri Apocryphi testament. veteris Junii, et Nov. test. e linguâ Syriacâ redditum Tremellio. p. 4 to. Lond. 1579, 1580.
1815 Catalogue, page 66. no. 80, as above[.]
Testamenti Veteris Biblia Sacra sive Libri Canonici, Priscæ Ivdæorvm ecclesiæ a deo traditi, Latini recens ex Hebræo facti brevibus que Scholiis illustrati ab Immanuele Tremellio & Francisco Iunio: Accesservnt Libri qvi vvlgo dicuntur Apocryphi, Latinè redditi & notis quibusdam aucti a Francisco Junio . . . Londini: excudebat Henricus Middletonus, impensis C. B. [Christopher Barker], 1580.
BS90 .1579
4to. 786 leaves, printed in double columns, 6 titles, each with a woodcut Good Shepherd device; the general title and that for the New Testament dated 1580, those for Pars Secunda, Tertia, Quarta and the Apocrypha dated 1579.
STC 2056.
Darlow and Moule 6166.
The earliest complete Latin Bible printed in England.
J. 15
Le vieil et le nouveau testament. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 65. no. 7, as above[.]
La Bible, qui est toute la Sainte Ecriture du Vieil et du Nouveau Testament. Autrement, l’ancienne et la nouvelle Alliance. Le tout reveu & conferé sur les textes Hebreux & Grecs. Avec les Pseaumes de David, mis en rime Françoise par Cl. Marot & Theod. de Beze. Imprimée par l’approbation des Ministres de l’Eglise Françoise de la Savoye & de celle de Londres. A Londres: imprimé par R. Everingham, & se vend chez R. Benteley, et chez J. Hindmarsh, 1687.
BS230 .1687a
12mo. Engraved general title (with Bentley’s name correctly written) by P. P. Bouche; the New Testament title and that for the Pseaumes de David dated 1686; sphere device on the last title, musical notation with the text.
STC B2707A.
Darlow and Moule 3771.
Original calf. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Written on the fly-leaf is a note: On ye 20th day of April of ye year 1703 Simon Rayde coz: of mine of Hambourg bought this book. & after he had kept it eight years & half left it att C. Hemsteek’s merch t in Lisbon who delivered it to me in ye month of March ye 18th, 1713. Giles Allegre.
French Geneva version. The earliest edition of the complete Bible in French to be printed in England.

Volume II : page 94

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