Volume II : page 63

Right secured.] New-York: Printed by Southwick & Hardcastle, for the Editor, 1806.
BJ1571 .F69
8vo. 224 leaves: [ ] 4, B-Z, Aa-Zz, Aaa-Hhh, Kkk-Lll 4, the last 8 leaves with the list of Subscribers’ Names.
Not in Lowndes.
Not in Sabin.
Rebound in ruby buckram in 1929. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T.
Jefferson was one of the original subscribers to this work, in compliance with the request of the author in a letter dated from New York, July 9, 1805: “The affability of your character, induces me to think, that you will not be offended at the liberty which I have taken in addressing you, at present.

"Being about publishing a work, of considerable merit, by subscription; I flatter myself that you will indulge me with the Weight of your name, at the head of my subscription list:--A name, far superior to that of Emperor, King or Duke! . . .”
The book was sent on September 22, 1806: “Herewith you will receive a copy of the “History of Man” which you benevolently countenanced with your subscription some months since--Also, a pamphlet which I published some years ago--The weight of your Name, having rendered me very important service, accept my most hearty acknowledgments . . .”
Donald Fraser, born c. 1754, Republican, seems to have been born in Great Britain, probably Scotland, and to have come to America sometime before 1788. In the above quoted letter he states that he was at that time, 1805, fifty-two years of age, and a certificate of character signed by Robert Lenox in New York, August 17, 1808, states that he has known Fraser, a teacher of New York, for twenty years.
[ ]
Ray’s Horrors of slavery. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 59. no. 64, as above.
This has already been fully described in chapter 2, no. 320 q.v.
J. 134
de la Literature des Negres par Gregoire. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 56. no. 127, as above.
De la Littérature des Nègres, ou Recherches sur leurs facultés intellectuelles, leurs qualités morales et leur littérature; suivies de notices sur la vie et les ouvrages des Nègres qui se sont distingués dans les Sciences, les Lettres et les Arts; Par H. Grégoire, Ancien évêque de Blois, membre du Sénat conservateur, de l’Institut national, de la Société royale des Sciences de Göttingue, etc., etc., etc. . . . A Paris: chez Maradan [de l’Imprimerie des Sourd-Muets, sous la direction d’ Ange Clo], m. dccc. viii . [1808.]
HT1581 .G7
First Edition. 8vo. 152 leaves: [ ] 8, 1-18 8, errata at the end, printer’s imprint on the back of the half-title.
Quérard III, page 463.
Sabin 28727.
Bissainthe 6037 describes an edition “chez Waradam, Lib., MDCCVII.” which seems to be a misprint for this edition, which is not described by him.
Originally bound for Jefferson by Milligan on Feb. 24, 1809. [cost .50.] Rebound by the Library of Congress in half brown morocco in 1907. Initialled by Jefferson with the letter T before sig. 1. With a presentation inscription by the author (cut into) on the half-title: Mr. Jefferson President des Etats unis de la part de l’auteur.
Presentation copy from the author, to whom Jefferson wrote from Washington on February 25, 1809: “ I have received the favor of your letter of Aug. 17. and with it the volume you were so kind as to send me on the literature of negroes. be assured that no person living wishes more sincerely than I do, to see a complete refutation of the doubts I have myself entertained and expressed on the grade of understanding alloted to them

Volume II : page 63

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