Volume II : page 422

First Edition. 4to. 68 leaves: [ ] 2, 1 4, A-N 4, O 2, A-D 2; separate signatures and pagination for the Pièces Justificatives.
Not in Quérard.
Not in the Bibliothèque Nationale Catalogue.
Tree calf; not initialled by Jefferson. Initials in ink on the title-page ( De H. P.) and corrections in ink in the text. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Charles Louis, Marquis de Ducrest, 1747-1824, was for a time Chancellor of the Duke of Orléans, against whom in 1791 he brought suit and won his case for the recovery of 13,000 francs.
Memoire de Reveillon. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 90. no. 55, as above.
Mémoire pour le Sieur Reveillon . . . contre l’abbé Roy . . . A Paris: Chez Bouduin, 1789.
There is no copy of this Mémoire now in the Library of Congress. The above title was taken from the card in the Law Division.
J. 74
Recueil de reglemens des colonies Francaises de l’Amerique. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 91. no. 13, as above.
Recueils de Reglemens, Edits, Declarations et Arrets, concernant le Commerce, l’Administration de la Justice, & la Police des Colonies Françaises de l’Amérique. & les Engagés. Avec le Code Noir et l’Addition audit Code. [-Recueil d’Édits, Declarations et Arrests de sa Majesté, concernant l’Administration de la Justice & la Police des Colonies Françaises de l’Amérique, & les Engagés.] A Paris: chez les Libraires Associez, m. dcc. xlv . [1745.]
Law 319
12mo. 2 parts in 1. 188 and 112 leaves, with 3 blanks, separate pagination; the Code Noir occupies pages 81 to 192 of the second part.
Not in Barbier, Grandin or Dupin.
Sabin 68459 (the first part only).
Old calf, r.e. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I in the first part. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
J. 75
Not in the Manuscript Catalogue.
1815 Catalogue, page 89. no. 49, Arrets de 1784-1788, 4to.
Thirty-two pamphlets (including one duplicate), of varying formats bound together for Jefferson in one volume, 4to., sheep, a red morocco label lettered Pamphlets on the back. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate. The dates 1784 to 1788 cover the period during which Jefferson was in France as Minister Plenipotentiary; some of the Arrêts were purchased from Froullé and appear on his bills.
AC901 .P3
i. Bureau des Achats. Paris, le ----- Juillet 1783. Tabac. Circulaire.
4to. 4 leaves.
Not in Arents.
Concerns the importation of foreign tobacco into France.
ii. State of the Duties payable by Vessels of the United States of America, in the ports of Marseilles, Bayonne, l’Orient, and Dunkirk. Published by order of the Honorable John Jay, Esquire, Secretary of the United States, for the Department of Foreign Affairs. New-York: Printed and sold by F. Childs and Co. [ 1785.]
Folio. 10 leaves including the title.
Not in Sabin.
Evans 19331 (no copy located).
Each leaf cut and folded to fit into the quarto volume.

Volume II : page 422

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