Volume II : page 42

Sm. 8vo. 72 leaves.
Brunet III, 399.
Old calf. There being no signature I or T Jefferson has written his initial T before sig. f; some MS. notes in an early hand. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate, no. 22. In the 1815 catalogue this number is placed with the Foulis edition of Minutius, which however was not sold to Congress, and which is in the 1815 catalogue in error for this omitted edition of 1560.
At the end of Octavius is bound an imperfect copy of Theophrastus, Basileae in officina And. Cratendri, mense septembri, anno christiano M. D. XXXI; lacks all before sig. β, page 17.
Felix Marcus Minucius, 3rd century A.D., was one of the earliest Latin apologists for Christianity. Octavius was at one time thought to be the work of Arnobius, and was originally printed as the eighth book of his Disputationes adversus Gentes in 1542. This Heidelberg edition is the first one printed with the real name of the author.
[ ]
Minutii Felicis Octavius. 12 mo. Foul.
1815 Catalogue, page 58. no. 22, as above.
MINUCIUS, Felix Marcus.
Minucius Felicis Octavius. Ex recensione Johannis Davisii. Glasguæ: In ædibus Academicis excudebant R. & A. Foulis, 1750.
This book is inserted here as being in the 1815 catalogue. The entry in that catalogue is an error, see the previous number.
This edition was not sold to Congress.
J. 94
Harris’s three treatieses. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 57. no. 93, as above.
HARRIS, James.
Three Treatises the first concerning Art the second concerning Mvsic Painting and Poetry the third concerning Happiness. By Iames Harris Esq. The Second Edition revised and corrected. London: Printed for Iohn Novrse and Pavl Vaillant, mdcclxv . [1765.]
BH181 .H2
8vo. 200 leaves; engraved frontispiece by Basire; some leaves waterstained.
Lowndes II, page 1002.
Oriignal calf (back scorched and with a new morocco label). Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
From the library of the Rev. Samuel Henley, with his autograph signature on the fly-leaf. Jefferson bought this with other books from Henley’s library in March 1785. This title was on the list of books missing from his library reported by Jefferson to Milligan in March 1815, after the sale of his library to Congress, with the request that he obtain duplicate copies. No copy appears on Milligan’s bills, and this being the Henley copy, it is to be supposed that it was returned to Jefferson.
James Harris, 1709-1780, English author. The first edition of this book was printed in 1744.
J. 95
Demetrius Cydonius de contemnenda morte. Gr. Lat. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 56. no. 75, as above, with misprint 9vo.
Demetrii Cydonii opvscvlvm de contemnenda morte Græce et Latine Recensvit emendavit explicavit Christianvs Theophilvs Kvinœl SS Theologiæ Cvltor. Lipsiæ: svmtv Gvil. Gottlob Sommeri, 1786.
PA Byzantine

Volume II : page 42

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