Volume II : page 358

bookplate inlaid in the new endpapers. Some leaves foxed, old autograph signatures and other scribblings scratched through in ink. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T in both volumes.
Gerard de Malynes, fl. 1586-1641, English merchant and economic writer, was born in Antwerp. The first edition of this work was published in 1622, and was without the additional tracts.
John Marius, see no. 2108. His tracts are inserted in Malyne’s work in this edition for the first time.
Richard Dafforne, English 17th century accountant and writer on book-keeping.
Richard Zouch, 1590-1661, English civilian. His Jurisdiction of the Admirality [ sic -- Ed. ] of England asserted was first published in Latin, Oxford 1640.
Guy Miège, see no. 1449.
Sir John Burroughs [i.e. Sir John Borough] d. 1643, Garter king of arms. His tract, The Sovereignty of the British Seas, was first printed in 1651.
J. 2
Jacob’s Lex Mercatoria. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 83, no. 1, as above.
[JACOB, Giles.]
Lex Mercatoria: or, The Merchant’s Companion. Containing all the laws and statutes relating to merchandize . . . With an introduction, setting forth the laws of nature and of nations, dominion of the sea, &c . . . To which are added, in proper places, the best adapted precedents of instruments and writings made use of in all cases relating to trade. The second edition corrected, with the addition of three entire new chapters. And also a Merchant’s dictionary, of words and terms, &c. [ London] in [ sic -- Ed. ] the Savoy: Printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling (assigns of Edward Sayer, Esq;) for B. Motte, J. Clarke, J. Lacy, T. Wotton and J. Shuckburgh, 1729.
Law 256
8vo. 214 leaves.
Not in Marvin.
Sweet & Maxwell II, 168, 16.
Bridgman, page 166.
Calf, repaired, back scorched at the foot. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. The name Giles Jacob written in ink on the title-page, not by Jefferson.
For a note on Giles Jacob see no. 1802. The author’s name is not on the title-page of this work, but the dedication to the Earl of Pembroke is signed by him. The first edition appeared in 1718.
J. 3
Beawe’s Lex Mercatoria. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 83. no. 9, as above.
BEAWES, Wyndham.
Lex Mercatoria Rediviva: or, The Merchant’s Directory. Being a complete guide to all men in business . . . Extracted from the works of the best writers both at home and abroad; more especially from those justly celebrated ones of Messieurs Savary; improved and corrected by the author’s own observations, during his long continuance in trade. The whole calculated for the use and service of the merchant, lawyer, senator, and gentleman. The second edition, with large additions. By Wyndham Beawes, Esq; His Britannick Majesty’s Consul at Seville and St. Lucar. London: Printed for R. Baldwin and S. Crowder and Co., m.dcc.lxi . [1761]
Law 148

Volume II : page 358

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