Volume II : page 324

Quesq 3 un table a ( ~c) annexe. At London: Imprinted by Robert Robinson. [ 1585.]
Law 150
First Edition. 8vo. 179 leaves only, should be 180 (lacks the last leaf with the colophon), printed in black letter; title within an ornamental woodcut border. The missing colophon reads: Imprinted at London by R. Robinson, T. Dunne, Th. Hanylande, Ia. Bowring, and Th. Morris. The 17. of Ianuary. 1585. This copy is of the issue with the verso of the first leaf blank.
STC 1848.
Cowley 81.
Beale, R 478.
Sweet & Maxwell I, 194, 3.
Tree sheep, headlines badly cut into. On the title-page is written Sum Johis Wentworth, and in another hand Ex Libr. Ed. Hill. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Richard Bellewe, fl. 1585, legal reporter. The reports are in Norman French.
J. 231
Keilwey’s reports...........................................12.H.7.--21.H.8.

[Dalison. [with Keilwey. ]...............................1.Mar.--7.El.

[Dalison. [with Benloe. ].................................38.H.8.--16.El.

[Benloe. [with Keilwey. ].................................6.H.8.--20.El.
1815 Catalogue, page 80. no. 256, as above, fol.
KEILWAY, Robert-- DALISON, Sir William-- BENDLOWES, William.
Reports d’ascuns Cases (qui ont evenus aux temps du Roy Henry le septiême . . . & du tres illustre Roy Henry le huitiesme . . .) Seligès hors des papieres de Robert Keilwey Esq; par Jean Croke Sergeant al Ley . . . Ovesque les Reports d’ascuns Cases prises per le reverend Juge Guilleaume Dallison un des Justices del Bank le Roy, au temps de la Reyne Elizabeth & per Guilleaume Bendloe Serjeant al Ley au temps de la mesme Royne [ sic -- Ed. ] . . . Avec une table des principales matieres. La tierce Edition . . . Ovesque une table des noms des cases. London: Printed for Charles Harper, William Crooke and Richard Tonson, mdclxxxviii . [1688.]
Law 94
Folio. 236 leaves collating in sixes: printed in black letter.
STC K134.
Sweet & Maxwell I, 199, 41.
Calf, rebacked and repaired, with the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate and that of Peyton Randolph inlaid in the new end papers. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. Inlaid inside the front cover above the bookplates is a slip of paper with a note in the handwriting of Sir John Randolph with his signature.
Robert Keilway, 1497-1581, law reporter.
Sir John Croke, 1553-1620, judge and recorder of London. His first edition of Keilway’s Reports was published in 1602.
For Dalison and Bendlowes see no. 2025. The cases here reported are not the same as those in no. 2043 but are identical with those printed in the 1609 edition of Ashe’s Tables to the Year Books .
J. 232
Benloe. [new ].................................................32.E.3.--21.El.
1815 Catalogue, page 80. no. 257, as above.
BENDLOWES, William.-- DALISON, Sir William.
Les Reports de Gulielme Benloe Serjeant del Ley, des divers Pleadings et Cases en le Court del Comon-bank, en le several Roignes de les tres Hault & Excellent Princes, le Roy Henry VII. Henry VIII. Edw. VI. & les Roignes Mary

Volume II : page 324

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