8vo. 233 leaves, including one blank, one folded table, continuous signatures, separate pagination for the Dedication (to
the Citizens of the United States of America), the Introduction, the text, the notes, the Index and the Subscribers’ Names;
on Ii
2 is the half-title for A Further Illustration of the Business of Exchanges, from the Table, Representation, &c. of Sir Isaac
Newton. With Suitable Remarks and Annotations, and on Qq
2 the half-title for A Disquisition into the Nature of Gold and Silver; and into the Art of Assaying, &c.
Not in Lowndes.
Not in Sabin.
Not in McCulloch.
Evans 31711.
Contemporary American calf. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
The Subscribers’ names include John Adams, President of the United States, and Thomas Jefferson, Vice-President.
This is the second issue, published the same year as the first.
J. 25
Every man his own Broker. by Mortimer.
1815 Catalogue, page 97. no. 86, as above.
Every Man his own broker: or, A Guide to Exchange-Alley. In which the Nature of the several Funds, vulgarly called the Stocks,
is clearly explained. And the Mystery and Iniquity of Stock-Jobbing laid before the Public in a new and impartial light. Also
the Method of transferring Stock, and of buying and selling the several Government Securities, without the Assistance of a
Broker, is made intelligible to the meanest capacity: and an account is given of the Laws in force relative to Brokers, Clerks
at the Bank, &c. With directions how to avoid the losses that are frequently sustained by the destruction of Bank Notes, India
Bonds, &c. by Fires and other Accidents. Some account of Banking, and of the Sinking Fund. With a supplement, giving a concise,
but clear account of the valuation of annuities upon lives: with accurate tables of interest (and many others equally useful);
calculated to a Farthing, at 2½, 3, 3½, 4, and 5, per Cent. from 1l. to 500l. from one day to sixty, and from one month to
twelve. With easy rules for casting up Stock . . . The
sixth edition, improved. By Thomas Mortimer, Esq.
London: Printed for
S. Hooper,
. [1765]-
HG5438 .M6
12mo. 131 leaves (2 leaves have been cut away from sig. G and the text supplied from another edition on one leaf, so that
this sheet has 10 plus 1 leaves), continuous signatures throughout, separate title and pagination for A New Book of Interest,
Containing, Accurate Tables . . . with imprint dated
1766. List of Books Printed for
S. Hooper on the last page in sig. A, list of A
9 verso.
Not in Lowndes.
Not in McCulloch.
Original calf. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Thomas Mortimer, 1730-1810, English vice-consul for the Austrian Netherlands, a voluminous writer on economic and other subjects, compiled
this book, originally issued in 1761, from materials supplied by his own experience on the Stock Exchange.
J. 26
The British merchant. 2
d & 3
d. vols.
1815 Catalogue, page 104. no. 85, as above.
The British Merchant: A collection of papers relating to the trade and commerce of Great Britain and Ireland. First published
by Mr. Charles King, from the originals of Sir Theodore Janssen, Bart. Sir Charles Cooke, Henry Martin, Esq;