Volume III : page 449

al Castellano, aumentada de muchas notas por Don Valentin de Foronda. En Burdéos: En casa de Francisco Mor: Año de 1781.
JN8151 1781 .B5
4to. 82 leaves in fours.
See McCulloch, page 358.
Rebound in buckram by the Library of Congress. The book is not signed by Jefferson, but a slip in the book states that before rebinding it had the 1815 bookplate.
Jacob Friedrich, Freiherr von Bielfield, 1717-1769, German author, was private counsellor to the King of Prussia, and an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences and Belles Lettres at Berlin. The complete Institutions Politiques, of which this is an extract, was published at Leyden in three volumes, 4to., 1759-62.
For other works by Foronda see the Index.
J. 23
The Universal merchant. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 104. no. 404, as above.
[MAGENS, Nicolas.]
The Universal Merchant: containing the Rationale of Commerce, in theory and practice; an enquiry into the nature and genius of banks, their power, use, influence and efficacy; the establishment and operative transactions of the Banks of London and Amsterdam, their capacity and credit calculated and compared: an account of the Banks of Hamburgh, Nuremberg, Venice, and Genoa, their credit and course of business; the doctrine of bullion and coins amply discussed; and therefrom the course and par of exchange regularly deduced. Exemplified by remarks historical, critical, and political. Wherein the best writers, ancient and modern, foreign and domestic, are duly considered and referred to. Adapted equally to the use and information of gentlemen who propose to make a figure in public affairs, as to the merchant, factor, broker, and remitter. London: Printed by C. Say, for W. Owen, mdccliii . [1753.]
HG1567 .H8
4to. 82 leaves; on T 2 the half-title for A Further Illustration of the Business of Exchanges, from the Table, Representation, &c. of Sir Isaac Newton. With Suitable Remarks and Annotations ; on Ff 1 the half-title for A Brief Disquisition into the Nature of Gold and Silver, and into the Art of Assay and Refinery; with Other Matters requisite to the well Understanding the Qualities of those Metals, and the avoiding Frauds therein: Being a Proper Supplement to the Preceding Work ; continuous signatures throughout; the dedication to the Right Honourable Henry Pelham, Chancellor of the Exchequer, signed William Horsley.
Not in McCulloch.
Palgrave II, 332.
Rebound in half red morocco by the Library of Congress in 1903. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T.
Nicolas Magens acknowledged the authorship of this book in his Further Explanations of Some Particular Subjects contained in The Universal Merchant , 1756: “I will add . . . to those, which I ventured to assert in a book upon this and other subjects, published by Mr. Horsley under the too pompous title of the Universal Merchant . . .”
J. 24
Alldridge’s Universal merchant. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 104. no. 343. The same by Alldridge 8vo.
The Universal Merchant, in theory and practice: improved and enlarged. By W. J. Alldridge, Assayer of metals, and author of the Goldsmith’s Repository. First American edition. Philadelphia: Printed by Francis and Robert Bailey, m,dcc,xcvii . [1797.]
HF1005 .A4

Volume III : page 449

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