Volume III : page 33

iv. Des administrations provinciales, mémoire présenté au Roi, par feu M. Turgot . . . A Lausanne, 1788.
First Edition. 56 leaves.
Quérard IX, 579.
On the half-title Jefferson has written: formed by M. Dupont on the rough draughts and notes of M. Turgot.
The edition should contain also the Observations d’un républicain [Brissot de Warville] not found in this copy, in which the last page has the catchword Observations.
v. Lettre de M. Turgot, Ministre d’État en France, a M. le Docteur Price. Without name of place or printer, n.d.
11 leaves, with signatures N 2-8, O 4, numbered [183] to 203.
This is evidently taken from a larger work. See the Oeuvres , vol. ix, where it is printed (with a more correct text; in this copy for example Francklin is so spelled) and without the notes to be found in this edition.
Dupont mentioned this letter when sending the ninth volume of the Oeuvres to Jefferson, July 4, 1811: “Voici le dernier volume des Oeuvres de M r. Turgot. Vous y verrais parcequ’il ecrivait au docteur Price et au sage Franklin combien il aimait votre Patrie . . .”
vi. Réflexions rédigées à l’occasion du Mémoire sur la manière dont la France & l’Espagne doivent envisager les suites de la querelle entre la Grande-Bretagne & ses colonies. Without name of place or printer, n.d.
57 leaves, with signatures O 5-8, P-R 8, S 5, numbered 217-282. The caption title as given is headed by Notes de la troisième partie. Lettre K, page 109 du texte, ligne 19. The running headline is Recherches sur les États-Unis.
This is printed in the Oeuvres [no. 2436], vol. viiii, pp. 434-504, with caption Mémoire sur la maniere etc. as above, but without the preceding words; the running headline is Sur les suites de la querelle entre l’Angleterre et ses colonies.
Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, 1727-1781, French statesman and economist. See also his Oeuvres, no. 2436.
J. 52
Chastellux de la felicité publique. 2. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 95. no. 96, as above.
[CHASTELLUX, François Jean, Marquis de.]
De la félicité publique, ou considérations sur le sort des hommes dans les différentes époques de l’histoire . . . Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée, & augmentée par l’auteur. Tome premier [-second]. A Bouillon: d l’Imprimerie de la Société Typographique, m.dcc.lxxvi . [1776.]
HN14 .C6
2 vol. 8vo. 207 and 189 leaves.
Barbier II, 443.
Quérard II, 147.
French calf, gilt backs, marbled endpapers, m.e. Not initialled by Jefferson. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Entered on the undated manuscript catalogue with the price, 12.0.
François Jean, Marquis de Chastellux, 1734-1788, French publicist, soldier, man of letters and historian. The first edition of this work was published in 1772.
Jefferson and Chastellux were friends and correspondents, and it was to Chastellux that Jefferson dedicated his Thoughts on English Prosody .

Volume III : page 33

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