Volume III : page 32

4 parts in 5 vol. 12mo. Part 1, 216 leaves, engraved frontispiece by St. Fessard after Meltay; part 2, 290 leaves; part 3, 289 leaves; part 4, i. 146 leaves; ii. 246 leaves; chiefly in twelves. In the 2 volumes of part 4 the place name Avignon has been omitted from the imprint, which has merely the date: Mil sept cent cinquante-huit. The last 3 leaves in the last volume are irregular in signatures and pagination, and may be from another edition; the text is perfect. On page 323, vol. V begins: Questions interessantes sur la population, l’agriculture et le commerce [par Quesnay].
Barbier I, 133.
Quérard VI, 154.
Seligman X, 529.
French calf, gilt backs, marbled endpapers, r.e., blue silk bookmarks. Initialled by Jefferson in each volume, at sig. I and T. With the Library of Congress bookplate.
Entered on the undated manuscript catalogue with the price, 9.0.
This work presents a system antedating that of Quesnay, no. 2370.
J. 51
Ouvrages de Turgot. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 101. no. 316, Ouvrages choisies de Turgot, 8vo.
TURGOT, Anne Robert Jacques, baron de l’aulne.
Six tracts bound together in one volume, 8vo., original calf, red silk bookmark, label on the back lettered Oeuvres / de / Turgot. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate. On the fly-leaf is written: Tho s. Jefferson (in imitation of Jefferson’s handwriting).
HB153 .T8
Jefferson purchased the first four tracts from Froullé on December 13, 1788, prices 1.4, 1.16, 1.10, and 1.16; the remaining two are complete in themselves, but are portions of larger works. During 1788 and 1789 Jefferson bought from Froullé additional copies of some of these tracts, presumably for others. A copy is entered on his undated manuscript catalogue with the price, 9.18.
The tracts are as follows:

i. Le Conciliateur ou lettres d’un ecclésiastique a un magistrat sur les affaires présentes. Par feu M. Turgot, Ministre & Secrétaire d’Etat . . . 1788.
28 leaves.
Barbier IV, 665.
Quérard IX, 577.
Palgrave III, 590.
The first edition was published anonymously in 1754, with the authorship later attributed to Turgot and Loménie de Brienne. This second edition was published by Jacques André Naigeon. It is reprinted in the Oeuvres de Turgot [no. 2436].
ii. Réflexions sur la formation et la distribution des richesses. Par M. Turgot . . . m. dcc lxxxviii .
68 leaves.
Barbier IV, 151.
Quérard IX, 577.
On page 38 Jefferson has written a footnote in the lower margin, relative to Turgot’s last paragraph in chapter xxxi: *the comparative value of two productions is not arbitrary, nor merely conventional but absolute. those quantities of each which are produced by the emploiment of equal capitals, are equal to each other in value. if 100.£ capital will produce 100. bushels of wheat or 100. gallons of wine, then a bushel of wheat, & a gallon of wine constitute the par of value between the two articles.
This was Turgot’s most comprehensive work on economics, and was originally published anonymously in 1766 and in the Ephémérides du citoyen . It is reprinted in the Oeuvres de Turgot , vol. v.
iii. Lettres sur les grains, ecrites à M. l’abbé Terray, contrôleur général, par M. Turgot, intendant de Limoges. Without name of place or printer, n.d. [ 1788].
69 leaves.
Quérard IX, 577.
Contains the fifth, sixth and seventh letters, reprinted in the Oeuvres de Turgot , vol. vi.
Turgot abolished grain restrictions on September 13, 1774.

Volume III : page 32

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