Volume III : page 30

J. 46
l’Ordre naturel et essentiel des societés politiques par de la Riviere avec les doutes de l’Abbé Mably. 3. v. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 100. no. 74, L’Ordre des Societes Politiques, par de la Riviere, avec les doutes de l’Abbe Mably, 3 v 12mo.
[MERCIER DE LA RIVIÈRE, Pierre François Joachim Henri]
L’Ordre naturel et essentiel des sociétés politiques . . . Tome premier [-second]. A Londres, chez Jean Nourse, et se trouve à Paris: chez Desaint, mdcclxvii . [1767]-- Doutes proposés aux philosophes économistes, sur l’ordre naturel et essentiel des sociétés politiques. Par Monsieur l’Abbé de Mably. A La Haye, et se trouve à Paris: chez Nyon, Veuve Durant, m.dcc.lxviii . [1768.]
JC179 .M5
JC179 .M23
Together 3 vol. 12mo. 175 and 276 leaves in alternate eights and fours; 162 leaves in twelves.
Barbier III, 739.
Quérard V, 140, 405.
Seligman X, 353.
Palgrave II, 734.
French mottled calf, gilt back, marbled endpapers, r.e., the volume by Mably similarly but not uniformly bound, sprinkled edges. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T in all volumes. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Entered without price on the undated manuscript catalogue.
Pierre François Joachim Henri Mercier de la Rivière, 1720-1793, French physiocrat. The first edition of this work was published in quarto in the same year and its publication was followed by an invitation to Mercier to visit and advise Catherine the Great. An abridgment by Dupont de Nemours was issued in 1768.
Abbé Gabriel Bonnot de Mably, 1709-1785, French historian, moralist and political philosopher. This is the first edition of this work, written immediately to refute the principles of Mercier.
de l’Ordre social par Le Trosne 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 97. no. 314, as above.
LE TROSNE, Guillaume François.
De l’Ordre social, ouvrage suivi d’un traité élémentaire sur la valeur, l’argent, la circulation, l’industrie & le commmerce [sic] intérieur & extérieur. Par M. Le Trosne, ancien avocat du Roi, & conseiller honoraire au Présidial d’Orléans, associé de l’Académie royale des Belles-Lettres de Caën, honoraire de la Société Economique de Berne, & membre de la Société royale d’Agriculture d’Orléans . . . A Paris: chez les Freres Debure, 1777. Avec approbation & privilége du Roi.
JC179 .L4
First Edition. 8vo. 260 leaves.
Quérard V, 263.
Seligman IX, 420.
Palgrave III, 597.
Entered on the undated manuscript catalogue with the price, 5.9.
Guillaume François Le Trosne, 1728-1780, French economist, was born at Orléans, and became a pupil of Robert Joseph Pothier, the famous lawyer of that city (q.v.). In 1764 he was attracted by Quesnay and became one of the chief exponents of the physiocratic doctrine.
This volume has been rebound and has lost its original bookplate. It is quite possible that it is from Jefferson’s library; the two volumes by Le Trosne described in the next following entry were not initialled by Jefferson.
By a printer’s error the Library of Congress catalogues subsequent to that of 1831 credit the Jefferson collection with a non-existent edition of 1787.

Volume III : page 30

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