Volume III : page 29

struction originally proposed; principally adapted to the purpose of a panopticon penitentiary-house . . . Panopticon: Postscript; Part II: containing a plan of management for a panopticon penitentiary-house . . . Dublin, printed, London, reprinted; and sold by T. Payne, 1791.
HV8805 .B5
Together 3 vol. First edition of vol. II and III. Sm. 8vo. Vol. I, 140 leaves; vol. II, 122 leaves, folded printed table; vol. III, 120 leaves, folded table; in eights; list of errata in each volume. The second and third volumes have the imprint of T. Payne only, the Dublin imprint is omitted.
Lowndes I, 157.
Cambridge Bibl. of Eng. Lit. II, 953.
Palgrave I, 131.
Everett, pages 530-1.
Bound for Jefferson in tree calf, gilt backs, marbled endpapers, sprinkled edges [by John March]. On the first title, written on a slip and pasted down, is the chapter and number: 24/17/3 vols. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I in each volume. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Jeremy Bentham, 1748-1832, English social philosopher and lawyer.
J. 44
Physiocratie de Quesnay. 2. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 102. no. 313, Physiocratic de Quesnay, 2 v 8vo.
[QUESNAY, François.]
Physiocratie, ou constitution naturelle du gouvernement le plus avantageux au genre humain. Recueil publié par Du Pont, des Sociétés Royales d’Agriculture de Soissons & d’Orléans, & correspondant de la Société d’Émulation de Londres . . . [Discussions et développemens sur quelques-unes des notions de l’économie politique. Pour servir de seconde partie au recueil intitulé: Physiocratie.] A Leyde, et se trouve a Paris: chez Merlin, m.dcc.lxviii, m.dcc.lxvii . [1768, 7.]
HB153 .Q55
First Edition. 2 vol. 8vo. Vol. I, 148 leaves, the last two (the first two in the second part) cut away, engraved frontispiece by Ozanne after Jeaurat; vol. II, 178 leaves, continuous signatures and pagination.
Barbier III, 881.
Quérard VII, 393.
Palgrave III, 246.
French calf, gilt, marbled endpapers. The front cover of vol. II lacking and replaced by an American calf cover. Not initialled by Jefferson. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate in vol. I.
Entered on the undated manuscript catalogue with the price, 3.0.
François Quesnay, 1694-1774, French physiocrat, and doctor of medicine, who became physician to Madame de Pompadour, and subsequently Court Physician. He published articles on his economic and social system, from 1767 known as Physiocracy, in the Encyclopédie , the Journal d’Agriculture et de Commerce , and in other collections. Mirabeau the elder was his first disciple and was followed by Dupont de Nemours, who published these volumes, and others. See Gilbert Chinard, The Correspondence of Jefferson and Du Pont de Nemours with an Introduction on Jefferson and the Physiocrats.
J. 45
Explication du Tableau economique par l’Abbé Baudeau.
1815 Catalogue, page 97. no. 318, as above, 8vo.
BAUDEAU, Nicolas, abbé.
Explication du Tableau économique, à Madame de * * *. Par M. l’Abbé Baudeau. Extrait des Ephémérides de 1767 & 1768. A Paris: chez Delalain, m.dcc.lxxvi . [1776.]
HB153 .Q58
Sm. 8vo. 88 leaves in fours.
Not in Quérard (who lists the Ephémérides).
Palgrave I, 125.
Old calf. Not initialled by Jefferson. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Entered without price on the undated manuscript catalogue.
Nicolas Baudeau, 1730-c. 1792, French abbé and economist, founded the Ephémérides du citoyen in 1765, and after fighting physiocracy for a year, became converted to the theories of Quesnay in 1766, when the Ephémérides served as the official organ of the physiocrats.

Volume III : page 29

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