Volume III : page 24

Sm. 8vo. 30 leaves including the first and last blanks, the Greek text followed by the Latin, the penultimate leaf with a list of books printed by R. Foulis.
This edition not in Graesse, Ebert, Dibdin.
Original calf, repaired; not initialled by Jefferson; with the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
J. 31
Aristotle’s treatise on government. Eng. by Ellis. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 94. no. 365, as above.
A Treatise on government. Translated from the Greek of Aristotle. By William Ellis, A.M. . . . London: printed for T. Payne, B. White, and T. Cadell, m dcc lxxviii . [1778.]
B448 .A5 E4
4to. 231 leaves.
Lowndes I, 68.
Cambridge Bibl. of Eng. Lit. II, 759.
Originally bound for Jefferson in calf, gilt, by J. March. June 30, 1807, cost $2.25, rebound in half red morocco by the Library of Congress in 1903. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I and T.
Entered on the undated manuscript catalogue with the price 6f.12.
The first edition of this translation was published in 1776.
William Ellis was a professor at King’s College, Aberdeen, Scotland.
J. 32
Bodin de la republique. 8 vo. small .
1815 Catalogue, page 94. no. 7, as above, p 8vo.
BODIN, Jean.
Les six livres de la repvbliqve de I. Bodin Angeuin. A Monseignevr dv Favr, Seigneur de Pibrac, conseiller du Roy en son conseil priué, & president en la cour de parlement à Paris. Reueuë, corrigee & augmentee de nouueau. A Paris: chez Iacques du Puys, 1580. Avec privilege dv Roy.
JC139 .B6 1580
8vo. 564 leaves, printer’s woodcut device on the title-page.
Seligman II, 614 (not this edition).
Palgrave I, 160.
Old vellum, some headlines and marginal notes cut into. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. i and t; some other writing, not by him. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Jean Bodin, 1520-1596, French social and political philosopher. Les Six Livres de la Republique was first published in 1576. Bodin is described by Palgrave as a rival of Machiavelli and a precursor of Montesquieu.
J. 33
Godwin’s Political justice. 2. v. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 98. no. 11, as above.
GODWIN, William.
Enquiry concerning Political justice, and its influence on morals and happiness. By William Godwin. First American from the second London edition corrected. In two volumes. Vol. I [-II]. Philadelphia: printed by Bioren and Madan, 1796.
JC176 .G82

Volume III : page 24

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