Volume III : page 23

?J. 28
Xenophontis Oeconomica, Agesilaus, Hieron, Lacedaemoniorum & Atheniensium Politicia. Argentorati. 12 mo. Gr.
1815 Catalogue, page 107. no. 2, Xenophontis Oeconomica, Agesilaus, Hieron, Lacedemoniorum et Atheniensium Politic, Gr. 12mo.
Ξενοφωντος Ρητορος οικονομικος λόγος A. Argentorati: excudebat Vuendelinus Rihelius Anno m.d.liiii [1554].-- Ξενοφωντος Ρητορος λογος εις Αγεσιλαον τον Βασιλέα. Xenophontis Rhetoris in lavdem Agesilai Lacedemoniorum regis Oratio. Item eiusdem Autoris Ιερων (’`η) τυραννικ(`ο)ς. Id est, Hieron siue Tyrannus. ib. 1553.-- Ξενοφωντος Ρητορος Λακεδαιμονιων πολιτεία. Xenophontis oratoris de Lacedaemoniorum Republica. Ξενοφωντος Ρητορος Αθηναιων πολιτεία. Eivsdem de Atheniensivm Republica. ib. 1555.
PA4494 .O4 1554
Sm. 8vo. 3 parts in 1. 56 leaves, the last a blank; 44 leaves, the last a blank; 27 leaves; printer’s woodcut device on the first title, Greek letter throughout.
This edition not in Brunet, Graesse, Ebert, Dibdin.
This copy was rebound in blue buckram (the original green silk bookmark preserved) by the Library of Congress in 1919 and all marks of provenance lost. It has been in the Library of Congress for a very long time and was probably Jefferson’s copy; the tracts are bound in the order listed by Jefferson above.
J. 29
Xenophontis respublica Lacedaemoniorum. Gr. Lat. Leunclavii. 12 mo. Foulis.
1815 Catalogue, page 107, no. 18, Xenophontes Lacedaemoniorum republica, Gr. Lat. Foul. 12mo.
‛η του Ξενοφωντος των Λακεδαιμονιων πολιτεια. Xenophontis Lacedæmoniorum respublica. Accedit interpretatio latina Leunclavii. Glasguæ: in ædibus Academicis excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis, m.dcc.lvi . [1756.]
JC79 .S7 X5
Sm. 8vo. 49 leaves: A-M 4, N 1; Greek and Latin text.
Lowndes V, 3011.
Bound and arranged for Jefferson in calf, gilt back, plain endpapers; as issued the Greek text preceded the Latin: Greek, sig. A-E 4, F 3, pp. 1-46; Latin, sig. F 3, G-M 4, N 1, pp. 47-98. This copy has been arranged so that the Greek and Latin text are on alternate leaves. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Ordered by Jefferson (through John Trumbull) from Paris, October 2, 1788, no. 8787 in Lackington’s current catalogue, price 1/6. Entered on his undated manuscript catalogue without price.
J. 30
Xenophontis Hiero. sive de regno. 12 mo. Foul.
1815 Catalogue, page 107. no. 1, as above, Gr. Lat.
Ξενοφωντος Ιερων, (’`η) τυραννικος. Xenophontis Hiero, sive de regno. Accedit versio latina Joannis Leunclavii. Glasguæ: in ædibus Academicis Typographus, mdccxlv . [1745.]
PA4494 .H6

Volume III : page 23

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