Volume I : page 534

Sm. 4to. 83 leaves; no copy of this edition was seen for collation.
A copy was bound for Jefferson by John March in August 1805, price .75.
Entered on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue, with the date, 1788, but without price.
The first edition was printed without date in London [?1775].
Rumford’s essays. 2. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 51. no. 70, as above.
THOMPSON, Sir Benjamin, count von rumford.
Essays, Political, Economical, and Philosophical. By Benjamin Count of Rumford . . . The First American, from the Third London, Edition. Vol. I [II]. Boston: Printed by Manning & Loring for David West [and others], March, 1798. [Vol. II. August, 1799.]
Q113 .R92
First American Edition. 2 vol. 8vo. Vol. I, 243 leaves, engraved portrait frontispiece by F. C. Trenchard, six pages of illustration in the text; vol. II, 211 leaves, 1 folded and 11 full-page plates by S. Hill.
Sabin 95466.
Evans 34656 (vol. I).
Original sheep. Initialled by Jefferson at sigs. I and T in both volumes; the signature of Geo. Humes on the fly-leaves of vol. I, some passages marked in pencil. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count von Rumford, 1753-1814, American physicist, inventor and philanthropist, was born in Woburn, Massachusetts. He was a Fellow of the Royal Society in London and the founder of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. His second wife was the widow of Lavoisier. The first edition of his collected Essays was published in London, 1796-1802, in four volumes. A third volume of the American edition appeared in 1802. The work contains chapters on fire-places and their construction, on American food and cookery and numerous other matters.
L’art de tourner par Plumier. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 54. no. 104, as above.
PLUMIER, Charles.
L’Art de Tourner, ou de Faire en Perfection toutes sortes d’Ouvrages au Tour . . . Ouvrage très Curieux, et très Necessaires à ceux qui s’exercent au Tour. Composé en François & en Latin in faveur des Etrangers, & enrichi de prés de quatre-vingt Planches. Par le R. P. Charles Plumier, Religieux Minime. A Lyon: chez Jean Certe, 1701.
First Edition. Folio. 108 leaves, title-page in red and black, with engraved arms by Le Clerc, preceded by an engraved title within a border showing a turning lathe, tools, etc., with Imprimé par Les soins de Monsieur L’abbé Perichon . . . at the foot; engraved arms of Michel Begon by Le Clerc at the head of the dedication, on the first page of text an engraved headpiece showing a turner’s shop manned by putti; the 71 plates of tools, etc. at the end by various engravers, French and Latin text printed in parallel columns.
Quérard VI, 219.
Charles Plumier, 1646-1704, religieux minime, French botanist and naturalist. He visited America twice, in 1693 and 1695, and in his dedication to Michel Begon, mentions that Je sçay que les Peuples de l’Amerique sont penetrez d’un si grand respect pour votre Personne, que vos simples ordonnances y sont encore observées comme des loix inviolables.

Volume I : page 534

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