Trist Catalogue - page [74]

344. Biscoe’s Merchant’s Magazine, 8º.
345. Hoppus’s Measuring, 8º.
346. The American Negociator, 8º.
405. Baldwin’s British Customs, or rates of Merchandise, 4º.
347. British Rates by Sims, 8º.
348. Edgar’s book of rates 8º.
448. Carkesse’s book of rates, fol.
449. British Tobacco and corn Laws, fol.
450. Ld. Hawkesbury’s report on the Corn Laws, 4º
349. The American Traveller, p 4º.
350. Ld. Sheffield on the American Commerce, 6 th Ed. of 1784, 8º.
351. Tracts on American Commerce, 1783-7, to wit Sheffield 1st Ed., Ruston, Swan, Coxe, 8º.
352. Claviere et Warville, de la France et des Etats Unis; 8º.-
353. Swan sur le Commerce entire la France et les Etats Unis, 8º.
406. Commerce de L’Amérique par Marseilles, 2 v in 1. 4º.
407. Tract on American Commerce, to wit, Mémoire pour les Négocions de l’Orient, 4o.-
354. Tracts, American, on the commerce of the U.S. & c. 8º.
355. Coxe’s view of the U.S. 8º.
356. Richesses, Dette, Finance, Population, par de la Tour, Baudeau, Coyer &c, 8º.
451. Maddox’s history of the Exchequer, fol.
357. Davenant on grants and resumptions, 8º.
87. Davis’ Impositions, 12º.
358. Stevens’ History of Taxes 8º.
359. Devenants reports on the public accounts, 1711. 8º.
360. Excise Tracts, 2 v 8º.
361. Gale’s Essay on public credit, 8º.
408. Sinclair on the Revenues of the British Empire, 4º.
362. Tracts on English Finance, by the Earl of Stair and Craufurd, 8º.
363. Casaux sur le Méchanisme des Societes. 8º.
409. Political Tracts on the finances of France, England and the U.S. 1789-90, 4º.
364. Cavendish’s public Accounts of Ireland, 1791, 8º.

Trist Catalogue - page [74]

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