68. Thomson’s Letters of Curtius, 12º.
69. Communications and Resolutions of Virginia on the Alien and Sedition Laws, 12º.
277. Callender’s Prospect before us, 1799, 8º.
394. Mémoires sur le navire le New Jersey, 4º.
278. Political Pamphlets, American, 1799, 8º.
279. " " " 1793-1800, 8º.
280. " " " 1800, 2 v 8º.
281. " " " 1801, 8º.
282. Callender’s history of the Congress of 1801, 8º.
283. Thomson on the Liberty and Licentiousness of the Press. 8º.
284. Political American, 1791-1802, 8º.
285. Political Pamphlets, 1800-1802, 8º.
286. Old South, by Benj. Austin, 8º.
287. The United States’ Claims on France, 8º.
288. Burr’s case by Cheetham, 8º.
289. Political Pamphlets, 1803-5, 8º.
290. Political American, 1806, 8º.
291. Dº. , 1807, 8º.
292. The Embargo, 1808, 8º.
293. Political, 1808, 8º.
294. British Negociations, 1808, 8º.
295. Political Pamphlets, 1808-9, 8º.
296. Dº. 1810, 8º.
297. Dº. 1811,-12, 8º.
298. a. Capture of Olive Branch, 8º. [see the note on page 57 of this MS, after #11 concerning "(Allen's Case of the Olive Branch . . ."]
299. Constitutions of the States of America, 8º.
Dº. 12º. 2 cop.
72. Constitution of Tennessee, 12º.
73. " " Louisiana, 12º.
395. Constitutions des Treize Etats Unis de l’Amérique, par le Duc de la Rochefoucault, 4º.
445. Journals of the Assembly of Virginia, 40-59, 60-74, 78-81, 84-85, 4 v fol.
300. Louisiana, 1803-4, 8º.