Trist Catalogue - page 69

390. Hazard’s Historical Collection of American State Papers, 4º.
434. The Charter of Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, & c fol.
391. Tracts, Britain and America; on the colonization of the Free States of Antiquity. 4º.
60. Bougainville Sur les droits des Metropoles Grecques. 12º.
392. Tracts Political; sur les Ligues des Achéens, des Suisses, et des P U., and DeLolme on the Union, 12º.
235. Sharpe’s Declaration of the People’s Natural rights, 8º.
236. Administration of the Colonies, by Governor Pownal, 1764, 8º.
237. Great Britain and America, Pamphlets from 1765-1781, 10 v 8º.
238. Franklin’s Political works, 8º.
239. Reflections moral and Political on Great Britain and her colonies; with
M. S. Notes by Dr. Franklin. 1770, 8º.
240. Adams’s Essays, 8º.
241. Dickinson’s Political writings, 2 v 8º.
242. American Gazette, Nº 1. 8º.
243. Miscellanies on America, 3 v 8º. 1775-80.
244. The Remembrancer, 14 v 8º. 1775-82.
245. Tracts, Britain and America, by Price, 8º.
246. Recherches, historiques et politques sur les E. U. d’Amérique, par Mazzei, 4 v 8º.
247. Adams’s Defence of the American Constitutions, 2 v 8º.
248. Observations on Government, on Adams and De Lolme, Eng, Fr. 8º.
61. DesLandes, sur l’importance de la Révolution Américaine, 12º.
249. Triomphe du Nouveau Monde, 2 v in 1, 8º.
62. Tracts, Britain and America, by Warville and Sinclair, 12º.
250. Mirabeau Sur l’ordre de Cincinnatus, 8º.
251. Tracts, Politics of America, to wit, Knox, Burke, & c, 8º.
252. Debates on the Constitution in the Convention of Massachusetts, 8º. 1788.
253.                                                                                                  New York, 8º.
254.                                                                                                  Pennsylvania, 8º.
255.                                                                                                  Virginia, 8º.
256. Debates of the Assembly of Pennsylvania, on the Bank, 1788, 8º.
257. Tracts on the American Constitution by Wilson, Martin, Pinckney, Jay, Monroe. 8º.
63. The Federal Farmer, 12º.
64. The Federalist, by Madison and Hamilton, 2 v 12º.

Trist Catalogue - page 69

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