Trist Catalogue - page 53

91. Buller’s nisi Prius, 8º.
92. Guide to English Juries, 12º.
93. Gilbert’s Law of distresses, 8º.
94.                            Ejectments, 8º
95.                            Tenures, 8º.
96.                             Uses and Trusts, 8º.
97. Law of Bailments, by Jones, 12º.
98.     "    "    Commons, 8º.
99.     "    "    Covenants, 8º
100.     "    "    Ejectments, 8º.
101.     "    "    Evidence, 8º
102.     "     Military of England, 12º.
103.     "        "          of the United States, 12º.
104.     "     of the Army and Navy of the U. S. 12º
105. Martial Law and Courts Martial of the U. S. by Macomb, 8º.
106. Law of Mortgages, 8º.
107.     "     "     obligations, by Pothier, 8º.
108.     "     "     Trespass, 8º.
109.     "     "     Trover, 8º.
110. Baron and feme, 8º.
111. Goodinge on Bankrupts, 8º.
112. Billinghurst on the Statutes of Bankrupts, 12º.
113. Cooper’s Bankrupt Law of America, 8º.
114. The practice of fines and Recoveries, 8º.
115. Manwood’s Forest Laws. 8º.
116. Nelson’s Game Law, 120.
117. The Tenant’s Law, 16.
118. The Woman’s Lawyer, p 4º.
119. Somner’s Treatise of Gavel Kind, p 4º.
120. Taylor’s Gavelkind, p 4º.
121. Bohun’s Customs of London, 8º.
252. Quo Warranto of the City of London, fol.
122. Compleat English Copyholder, 2 v. 8º.
123. Dalrymple’s Essay on Feudal property, 8º.

Trist Catalogue - page 53

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