35. Greenwood on Courts, 8º.
36. Kitchin on Courts, 12º
37. Scroggs of Courts, 8º
210. Registrum Brevium, fol.
211. Thesaurus Brevium, fol.
212. Officina Brevium, fol.
38. Aston’s entries p. 4º.
213. Brown’s entries, fol.
39. Brown’s modus intrandi, 2 v 8º.
214. Brownlow’s Brevia Judicialia, fol.
215. Brownlow’s Declarations fol.
216. Brownlow’s Entries, fol.
217. Coke’s entries fol.
218. Hansar’s entries, fol.
219. Levintz’s entries, fol.
40. Moyle’s entries, fol.
220. Old book of entries, fol.
221. Rastall’s entries, fol.
222. Robinson’s entries, fol.
223. Thompsons entries, fol.
224. Tremain’s (entries of) Pleas of the Crown, fol.
225. Vidian’s entries, fol.
226. Winch’s entries, fol.
41. Clerk’s guide by Manly, 8º.
42. Instructor clericalis, 6 v 8º.
167. Doctrina Plactandi, 4º.
43. Regula placitandi, 8º.
44. Placita generalia et specialia, 8º.
227. Herne’s pleader, fol.
45. Sheppard’s precedents, 8º.
46. Read’s declarations, 8º.
228. Booth’s real actions, fol.
47. Clerk of Assize, 12º.
48. Officium clericii pacis, 8º