Trist Catalogue - page 43

101. Abstinence from blood defended, 8º.
40. Instructions pour les Protestants, par De la Forest, 12º.
41. Peletinage de Calvaire, 16.
42. The shortest way to end disputes about religion, 12º.
43. The Romish horse-leech by Stavely, 12º.
102. Institution de la Religion Chretienne de Calvin 8º.
44. Histoire du Calvinisme de Maimbourg, Paris 1682, 16.
45. Critique de l’histoire du Calvinisme de Maimbourg, par Bayle, Villefranche 1683, 16.
46. Dialogues rustiques, 16
186. b. Lightfoot’s works, 2 v fol.
103. The Moravians compared and detected, 8º.
104. Swedenburg on the intercourse between Soul and body, 8º.
106. Spangenberg’s Christian doctrine by Latrobe, 8º.
105.        "                 account of the Mission of the Unitas Fratrum, among the Heathen, 8º.
107. Tower’s illustrations of Prophecy, 2 v 8º.

108. Stennett’s answer to Rusten on Anabaptism, 8º.
165. Barclay’s apology for the Quakers, Baskerville, 4º.
109. Point de Croix, point de Couronne, par Guillaume Penn. 8.
47. Brown’s account of the Shaker’s 12º.
48. Grotius on the truth of the Christian religion, by Patrick, p 8º.
49. Jenning’s Disquisitions, 12º.
110. Paleys evidence of Christianity. 8º
50. The Christian Panoply by Watson and Paley, 12º.
51. Priestleys institutes of Natural and revealed religion, 2 v 12º.
52. Officium hominis, 12º
53. The whole duty of Man, 12º.
111. The Christian’s duty, 8º.
112. Le Chrétien Philosophe, p. 4º M. S.
113. The Gentleman instructed, 8º.
114. The Lady’s Calling, 8º.
115. Pascal’s thoughts, 8º.
116. Pascal’s life and letters, 2 v 8º.
117. Clarke on the being and attributes of God. 8º.

Trist Catalogue - page 43

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