Trist Catalogue - page [24]

20. Blancardi Lexico Medicum, 8º.
21. Blancard’s Physical Dictionary, 8º.
22. Quincey’s Medicinal Dictionary, 8º.
98. Hippocratis opera, Gr. Lat. fol.
23. Hippocratis opera omnia, Gr. Lat. Vander Linden, 5 v 8º.
24. Celsus de re Medicâ, p 4º.
99. Aretaei opera, cum commentario Henischii, fol
25. Mercurialis, p 4º.
100. Gorraei definitions Medicæ, Nicandri Theriaca et Alexipharmaca, Hip- pocrates de Genitura, Natura pueri, Jusjurandum, de arte, antiqua Mede- cina et de Medico, fol.
101. Riverius’ practice of physic, fol.
6. Boerhaave, Institutio Medicinæ, 12º.
26. Shaw’s practice of physic, 2 v 8º.
27. Brooke’s introduction to physic, 8º.
28. Brooke’s practice of physic, 8º.
7. Ouvrages de Tissot, 16 v 12º.
29. Tissot’s advice, 8º.
30. Buchan’s Domestic Medicine, 8º.
31. Compendium of Physic and Surgery, g 12º.
32. Cullen’s practice of physic, 4 v. 8º
33. Darwin’s Zoonomia, 3 v 8º.
8. Brown’s elements of Medicine, 12º.
34. Barnwell’s physical investigations, 8º.
35. Ewell’s medical companion, 8º.
36. Certitude de la Médecine, et autres écrits de Cabanis, 8º.
37. Coup d’oeil sur les révolutions et sur la réform de la Médecine, par Ca- banis 8º.
90. Millar on the change of opinion in religion, politics, medicine, 2 v 4º.
38. Aphorisms of Sanctorius by Quincey, 8º
9. Boerhaave aphorismi, 12º.
39. Harvei opera, 2 v p 4º.
91. Sydenhami opera, 4º.
40. Sydenham’s works, 8º
41. Meade’s Medical works, 8º.
42. Strother’s causes and cures, 8º.

Trist Catalogue - page [24]

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