Trist Catalogue - page 13

68. Dalrymple’s memoirs of Gr. Britain and Ireland, 1681-1692, 4º
37. Birch’s life of Tillotson, 1629-1694. 8º.
69. D’Auvergne’s history of the campaign in Flanders of 1695, 4º.
97. Kennet’s historians of England, to wit. Milton, Daniel, anonymous, Habington, Moore, Buck, L. Bacon, L. Herbert of Cherbury, Bp. of Hereford, Cambden, Wilson,.1060 A. C.-1702, 3 v fol.
98. Guthrie’s history of England, and the continuation, 45. A. C.-1702, 2 v fol.
38. Political State for 1714, 7 th vol. 8º.
39. Boyer’s annals of Q. Anne, 1702-1714, 11 v 8º.
8. Home’s chronological abridgment of the history of England, to 1714 12º.
99. Bishop Burnets history of his own times, 1643-1715, 2 v fol.
9. History of the duke of Marlborough, 1650-1722, 12º
40. Campbells lives of the admirals, 1060 A. C.-1727, 4 v 8º.
41. Historical register from 1714-1732, 18 v 8º.
100. Lediards Naval history of England. 1066-1734, 2 v fol.
42. Abrégé chronologique de l’histoire d’Angleterre, par Salmon, 53 A. C. 1741, 2 v 8º.
70. M rs Macaulay’s history of England, 1603-1742, 9 v 4º.
10. Ayre’s life of Pope, 1688-1744, 2 v 12º.
11. Orrery’s life of Swift, 1677-1745, 12º.
43. Chamberlayne’s present state of Gr. Britain, 1755, 8º.
12. Histoire de la puissance navale de l’Angleterre, 777-1762, 2 v 12º.
44. Entick’s history of the late war of 1755, 1748-1763, 5 v 8º.
101. Memoirs of Thomas Hollis, 1720-1774, 2 v fol
45. Annual register for 1761 and 1778, 2 v 8º.
46. Anecdotes of the life of Ld Chatham, 1708-1778, 3 v 8º.
13. Ld Orrery’s history of England, 55 A. C.-1793. 2 v 12º.
48. Belsham’s memoirs of the Kings of the house of Brunswick Lunenburg 1714-1793, 3 v 8º.
47. Belsham’s history of Gr. Britain from the revolution, 1689-1714, 2 v 8º.
49. Plowden’s history of the British Empire, 1792, 1793. 8º.
71. Baxter’s history of England, 1060 A. C.-1801, 4º.
72. Stephens’s history of the wars which arose out of the French revolution, 2 v 4º.
50. Wilson’s history of the British expedition to Egypt, 1800-1801. 8º.
51. Tracts of Br. Biography, viz. Anecdotes sur les personnages principaux et Semple, 8º.
52. Public characters, 1754-1801. 2 v 8º.

Trist Catalogue - page 13

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