Volume V : page 92
Vocabolario della Crusca. 5. v. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 168, no. 143, as above.
Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca. Impressione Napoletana secondo l’ultima di Firenze, con la Giunta di molte Voci. Raccolte dagli Autori approvati della stessa Accademia. Napoli: a spese di Giuseppe Ponzelli, nella Stamperia di Giovanni di Simone, 1746-1748.
Folio. 6 vol. in 5; engraved vignettes on the titles, initials, and head and tail pieces; text printed in double columns. A copy was not available for examination. The title and information were obtained from the card of the Hamilton College Library in the National Union Catalog.
Jefferson’s copy of this book or of the next following entry was sent to him by Molini. In a letter dated from Paris November 21, 1788, addressed to William Short, poste restante at Milan, Jefferson wrote: “ . . . I am in hopes you will find the rest of your journey still more agreeable than the beginning. I shall lighten it of one load, that of getting me the Vocabolario della Crusca which Moline has furnished me . . .
The Reale Accademia della Crusca was founded in 1582 with the object of purifying the language. Its device was a sieve, and its motto Il più bel fior ne coglie. Its greatest work was the Vocabulario [ sic -- Ed. ] della Crusca, first printed in Venice in 1612. This work was composed on Tuscan principles, and regarded the fourteenth century as the Augustan period of the language.
Vocabolario della Crusca. Ven. 1741. 5. to. in 2. vol. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 168, no. 111, Vocabolario della Crusca, Ven. 1741, 5 tom. in 2 vol. 4to.
Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca compendiato secondo la quarta ed ultima Impressione di Firenze covietta ed accresciuta, cominciata l’anno 1729 e terminata nel mdccxxxviii. Venezia: Baseggio, 1741.
4to. 5 vol. in 2. A copy was not available for examination.
A copy described as 5. to. in 1. vol. 4 to. is entered by Jefferson without price in his undated manuscript catalogue.
See the note to the previous entry.
Dictionnaire Ital. et Franc. d’Alberti. 2. v. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 164, no. 112, as above.
Nuovo Dizionario Italiano- Francese, composto su i Dizionarj dell’ Accademia Francese, e della Crusca, ed arricchito di tutti i Termini proprj delle Scienze, e delle Arti; opere utile, anzi necessaria a tutti coloro che vogliono tradurre, o leggere con profitto, i Libri scritti nell’ una, e nell’ altra Lingua. Del Signor abate Francesco de Alberti di Villanuova. Terza edizione, corretta, ed accresciuta di molti articoli, e della geografi. Nizza e Marseille: Piestre e Delamolliere, 1788.
Volume V : page 92
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