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tenberg under Melanchthon as pauper gratis. He became rector successively of a number of schools until 1571 when he was appointed director of the Raths-Gymnasium at Erfurt. The first edition of his Thesaurus was published in 1571. The work was reprinted several times until 1749 when the last edition appeared.
Clavis Homerica. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 164, no. 63, as above.
PATRICK, Samuel, editor.
Clavis Homerica: sive Lexicon Vocabulorum Omnium, Quæ continentur in Homeri Iliade Et potissimâ parte Odyssææ. Cum Brevi de Dialectis Appendice. Nec non Mich. Apostolii Proverbiis Græco- Latinis, Accessêre etiam huic postremæ Editioni Varia Elogia seu Testimonia de Homero, Ex diversis Auctoribus, tum antiquis, tum Neotericis collecta. Hanc præterea editionem pluribus in locis auxit, non pauca emendavit, atque Scholis utiliorem reddidit Samuel Patrick, LL. D. et Scholæ Carthusianæ Subpræceptor. Londini: ex officina J. Nichols, impensis J. F. and C. Rivington [and others]. m. dc. clxxxiv . [1784.]
8vo. 226 leaves; a copy of the edition of 1784 was not available; the above title is taken from the edition of 1758 collated with printed catalogue sources.
Ebert 4780.
This edition not in Lowndes.
Entered by Jefferson in his undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 8.10f + 1f10 rel.
Samuel Patrick, 1684-1748, a master at the Charterhouse. For other works by him, see the Index.
[Simon Portii Γραμματικ(`η) τ( ~ η)ς ‛Ρωμαϊκ( ~ η)ς γλώσσας. in Dufresne seigneur Ducange glos]
1815 Catalogue, page 167, unnumbered, [Simon Portii Grammatica Tes. Romaikes glisoses, in Dufresne’s Glossarium].
For this see no. 4775.
Simonis Portii Romani, Doctoris Theologi Grammatica Linguae Graecae Vulgaris, occurs in Vol. I, page xix, with caption title. Dedicated to Armando Cardinali Duci de Richelieu, et Galliæ Pari, with Greek and Latin text in parallel columns.
Simone Porzio [Portius], 1497-1554, Italian philosopher.
Kusterus de Verbo Medio. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 166, no. 9, as above.
KÜSTER, Ludolph.
Lud. Kusterus de vero usu Verborum Mediorum Eorumque Differentia A Verbis Activis & Passivis. Item Veteres Poetae Citati ad P. Labbei de Ancipitum Græcarum Vocalium in prioribus Syllabis Mensura confirmandum Sententiam. Sive Index Vocabulorum in quibus Anceps Vocalis pro longa habenda est. Opera & Cura Edwardi Leedes, In Schola Buriensi Ad acuendos Adolescentium Animos, erga Poeseωs Studium (cum ipse Poeta non sit) Cotis Vice fungentis. Londini: Prostant apud J. & J. Rivington in Cœmeterio Paulino. mdccl . [1750.]
PA341 .K7

Volume V : page 74

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