Volume V : page 59

Chapter XLIII




. . . I read Greek, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, and English of course, with something of it’s radix the Anglo-Saxon . . .
letter from Thomas Jefferson to joseph delaplaine, april 12, 1817.
. . . to read the Latin & Greek authors in their original is a sublime luxury; and I deem luxury in science to be at least as justifiable as in architecture, painting, gardening or the other arts . . .
letter from Thomas Jefferson to joseph priestley, january 27, 1800.
Thornton’s Cadmus. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 164, unnumbered, [Cadmus, by Thornton, 8vo] see C. 15, No. 39.
For the description of this book see no. 1126.
Harris’s Hermes. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 166, no. 51, as above.
HARRIS, James.
Hermes or A Philosophical Inqviry Concerning Vniversal Grammar by Iames Harris Esq. . . . The Second Edition Revised and Corrected. London: Printed for Iohn Novrse and Pavl Vaillan m dcc lxv . [1765.]
8vo. 295 leaves, engraved frontispiece. A copy of this edition was not available; the title is taken from the reprint (third edition) in 1771.
Lowndes II, 1002.
Cambridge Bibl. of Eng. Lit. II, 16.
Jefferson bought a copy of this book from the Rev. Samuel Henley in 1785. The title is included in the list of books in this purchase appended by Jefferson to his letter to Henley, dated from Paris March 3, 1785, and is in the separate list made by Jefferson.
James Harris, 1700-1780, English scholar. The first edition of Hermes was published in 1751. A French translation was printed in 1796.
Linguarum totius orbis Vocabularia. a Pallas. 2. v. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 166, no. 101, as above
[PALLAS, Peter Simon.]
Linguarum totius Orbis Vocabularia comparativa; Augustissimae cura collecta. Sectionis primae, Linguas Europae et Asiae complexae. Pars Prima. [-Pars Sec-

Volume V : page 59

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