Volume V : page 55

J 21
Milton vindicated ag t Lauder.
1815 Catalogue, page 161, unnumbered, [Milton vindicated against Lauder, by Douglas, bound up with Washington’s Journal] C. 4, No. 22.
Milton vindicated From the Charge of Plagiarism, Brought against him by Mr. Lauder, and Lauder himself convicted of several Forgeries and gross Impositions on the Public. In a Letter humbly addressed to the Right Honorable the Earl of Bath. By John Douglas, M. A. Rector of Eaton Constantine, Salop . . . London: Printed for A. Millar, opposite Catharine-Street, in the Strand. mdccli . [1751]
AC901 .M5
First Edition. 8vo. 41 leaves, the last a blank.
Lowndes II, 664.
Cambridge Bibl. of Eng. Lit. I, 469.
Originally bound for Jefferson with 2 other pamphlets in a half binding, rebound by the Library of Congress in 1953 in half morocco with the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate preserved.
From the library of Benjamin Franklin with an autograph note by him on the title-page. In the foremargin Franklin has written: This Lauder published a Book in 8 vo. fill’d with Quotations from Milton compar’d with Latin pretended Quotations from foreign Writers. In the lower margin he has written: After this Detection came out, the Price of Lauder’s Book immediately fell from 3/6 to 1/6. In the upper margin are written two numbers, probably by another hand: N o. 16 in the inner and 9 in the outer margin. On the last leaf are written in pencil notes as to the time of Sunset in May in various places, with a measurement from Turtle Gut partly inked in.
For the other two pamphlets see no. 473 and 908. Neither of these has any marks to show that it was from Franklin’s library.
John Douglas, 1721-1807, Scots clergyman, was appointed Bishop of Salisbury in 1791. As a result of this pamphlet denouncing Lauder, the latter was compelled to write to Douglas a letter dictated by Samuel Johnson, who had written the preface to his work, with a confession of his imposture; this was printed in the same year 1751.
William Lauder, d. 1771, Scots literary forger. His articles allegedly proving Milton to be a plagiarist were published originally in the Gentleman’s Magazine , and were answered by a number of writers who detected Lauder’s fraudulencies. For an account of the whole affair see the life of Lauder by the late Sir Sidney Lee in the Dictionary of National Biography.
Annuaire de la librarie par Fleischer. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 161, no. 21, as above.
Annuaire de la Librairie, ou Répertoire systématique de la Littérature de France de l’an IX de la République Française. Première Année. Par Guillaume Fleischer. Paris: Levrault frères, an X. [1802.]
First Edition. 8vo. 2 parts in 1. All published. A copy was not available for collation; the above title was taken from Quérard and the Catalogue of the Bibliothèque Nationale. “L’an IX” covered the period from September 23, 1800 to September 22, 1801. The work contains a dissertation Sur les services rendus par les Allemands à la Bibliographie.
Quérard III, 132.
Wilhelm Fleischer, 1767-1820, bibliographer, was born in Germany, but spent much of his life in Paris in the employ of Levrault Frères, the publishers of this book.
Not in the Manuscript Catalogue.
1815 Catalogue, page 161, no. 3b, Bibliotheque des Sciences et des Arts, 63 v 12mo.
Bibliothèque des Sciences et des Beaux Arts. Pour les Mois de Janvier, Fevrier, Mars, mdccliv. Tome Premier. [-Juillet, Août, Septembre, mdcclxix. Tome

Volume V : page 55

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