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antiquary. Jefferson’s catalogue calls for only one volume of this work. It was issued in three separate parts in 1696, 1697 and 1699. The English Historical Library was followed by a Scottish part in 1702, and an Irish in 1724. The second edition of the English Historical Library in three parts was published in 1714 in folio.
Whear de methodo legendi historias. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 162, no. 4, as above.
WHEAR, Degory.
Relectiones Hyemales, de Ratione & Methodo legendi ultrasq; Historias, Civiles et Ecclesiasticas. Quibus Historici probatissimi, non solùm ordine quo sunt legendi catenatim recensentur, sed doctorum etiam virorum de singulis judicia subnectuntur. Nec non Vndè sig ulorum in Historia vel brevitas dilatari, vel defectus suppleri, vel perplexitas expediri; vel mutilationes deniq; temporum injuriâ factæ resarciri possint, indicatur à D. W. prælect. Camdeniano. Oxoniae: Excudebat L. Lichfield, impensis H. Curteyne, 1637.
16mo, 161 leaves; a copy was not seen for collation.
STC 25328.
Madan page 202, no. 24.
Degory Whear (or Wheare), 1573-1647, was professor of history at Oxford University. His dissertation De Ratione et Methodo Legendi Historias was originally delivered at Oxford on July 12, 1623, and printed in the same year. The second edition was printed in 1625, and the third in 1637 as above. It was later translated into English by Edmund Bohun and passed through several editions.
Bibliographie instructive de De Bure. 9. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 161, no. 20, as above.
DE BURE, Guillaume François.
Bibliographie Instructive: ou Traité de la Connoissance des Livres rares et singuliers . . . Par Guillaume-François De Bure, le Jeune, Libraire de Paris. Volume de Théologie [-De la Jurisprudence et des Sciences et Arts; Belles-Lettres; Histoire--Supplement a la Bibliographie Instructive, ou Catalogue des Livres du Cabinet de feu M. Louis Jean Gaignat.] A Paris: chez Guillaume-François De Bure le Jeune, Libraire, Quai des Augustins. m. dcc. lxiii--m. dcc. lxix . Avec Approbation, & Privilége du Roi. [1763-1769]
Z1012 .D29
Together 9 volumes, 8vo. Vol. I, 1763, Théologie; Vol. II, 1764, Jurisprudence et Sciences et Arts; Vol. III-IV, Belles-Lettres; Vol. V-VII, 1768, Histoire; Vol. VIII-IX, 1769; Supplement--Catalogue des Livres du Cabinet de feu M. Louis Jean Gaignat.
Quérard II, 413.
Guillaume François De Bure, 1731-1782, French bibliographer and bookseller. Jefferson made a number of purchases from De Bure’s catalogues. See the Index.
Louis Jean Gaignat, 1697-1768, French bibliophile, is described on the title as Ecuyer, Conseiller-Sécretaire du Roi Honoraire, & Receveur Général des Consignations des Requêtes du Palais.
Miller’s Retrospect of the 18 th. century. 2. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 161, no. 23, as above.
MILLER, Samuel.
A Brief Retrospect of the Eighteenth Century. Part First; In Two Volumes: Containing a Sketch of the Revolutions and Improvements in Science, Arts, and

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