Volume V : page 47

Notas Universas in Latinitate lapsus fœdissimos nonaginta ostendens. Autore Richardo Johnson . . . Nottinghamiæ: impensis autoris apud S. Keble [Typis Gulielmi Ayscough], 1717.
First Edition. 8vo. 2 parts in 1, with separate pagination; the title to the second part reads: Aristarchi Anti-Bentleiani Pars Secunda; nonaginta Bentleii per Notas Universas in Latinitate lapsus fœdissimos ostendens . . . A copy of this edition was not available for examination. The above information was obtained from the National Union Catalog.
This edition not in Lowndes.
Richard Johnson, d. 1771, [ i.e. “1721”-- Ed.] English grammarian, was at St. John’s College, Cambridge, at the same time as Richard Bentley, and they graduated B.A. together in 1679. Johnson was headmaster of the Free School at Nottingham, where this attack on Bentley’s Horace was printed, from 1707-1718.
For Richard Bentley see the Index.
Vossius de Historicis Graecis. p 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 162, no. 9, as above.
VOSSIUS, Gerhard Johann.
Gerardi Ioannis Vossii De Historicis Græcis Libri IV. Editio altera, priori emendatior, & multis partibus auctior. Lugduni Batavorum: ex officina I. Maire, 1651.
4to. 306 leaves, title printed in red and black. A copy of this edition was not available for collation.
Not in Graesse.
Gerhard Johann Vossius, 1577-1649, German classical scholar and theologian, was educated at the University of Leyden, where he met his lifelong friend Hugo Grotius. The first edition of this work was published in 1624.
id. [i.e. Vossius] de Historicis Latinis. p 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 162, no. 10, as above.
VOSSIUS, Gerhard Johann.
Gerardi Ioannis Vossii De Historicis Latinis Libri Tres. Lugduni Batavorum: apud Ioannem Maire, anno. 1627.
4to. 461 leaves; a copy was not available for examination.
Not in Graesse.
Not in Ebert.
The first edition was published in 1627.
Fabricii bibliotheca Latina. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 161, no. 11, as above.
FABRICIUS, Johann Albert.
Jo. Alberti Fabricii SS. Theol. D. & Prof. Publ. Gymnasiiqve h. a. Rectoris Bibliotheca Latina sive Notitia Auctorum Veterum Latinorum, qvorumcunqve scripta ad nos pervenerunt, distributa in libros IV. Et Nova hac Editione sic recognita ab auctore: ac locupletata, ut novum opus videri possit. Obiter p. 595. seq. suppleta ingens lacuna aliqvot paginarum in scholiis Eustathii ad Dionysium

Volume V : page 47

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