Volume V : page 38

Chapter XLI



. . . I have always very much despised the artificial canons of criticism. when I have read a work in prose or poetry, or seen a painting a statue etc. I have only asked myself whether it gives me pleasure, whether it is animating, interesting, attaching? if it is, it is good for these reasons . . .
letter from Thomas Jefferson to william wirt, november 12, 1816.
J. 1
Aristotle Περι Ποιητικης. Gr. Lat. 12 mo. Foul.
1815 Catalogue, page 159, no. 1. Aristotle de arte Poetica. Gr. Lat. 12mo Foul.
Αριςτοτελους Περι Ποιητικης. Aristotelis De Poetica. Accedunt Versio Latina Theodori Goulstoni et insigniores Lectiones variantes. Glasguae: In Aedibus Academicis Excudebat Robertus Foulis Academiae Typographus. mdccxlv . [1745]
[PA3893 .P5 1745]
Sm. 8vo. 68 leaves, first leaf lacking, probably a half-title, Greek text followed by the Latin.
Graesse I, 214.
Contemporary calf, initialled by Jefferson at sig. I. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Theodore Goulston, 1573-1632, English physician. His first edition of De Poetica, founded on the text of Sylburg, was published in 1623 with a Latin dedication to Prince Charles.
J. 2
La Poetica de Aristoteles por das Saijas. Gr. Span. Lat. p. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 159, no. 2, as above.
La Poetica de Aristoteles dada a nuestra lengua Castellana por Don Alonso Ordoñez das Seijas y Tobar, señor de San Payo. Añadese nuevamente el texto Griego, la version Latina y notas de Daniel Heinsio, y las del Abad Batteux traducidas del Francés; y se ha suplido y corregido la traduccion Castellana por el Lic do. Don Casimiro Florez Canseco, Catedratico de Lengua Griega en los Reales Estudios de esta Corte. Con las licencias necesarias. En Madrid: por Don Antonio de Sancha. Año de 1778. Se hallará en su Librería, en la Aduana Vieja. [1745] [ i.e. “1778”-- Ed.]
PN1040 .A65 O7 1778
First Edition of this translation. 8vo. 184 leaves, the last a blank, engraved portrait frontispiece of Aristoteles Stagirita in marmore by Moreno Fejada.
Ebert 1200.
Palau I, 114.
Old Spanish calf, gilt back, marbled endpapers, sprinkled edges. Not initialled by Jefferson. With the Library

Volume V : page 38

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