Volume V : page 29

Oratio de Antiqua Medico-Philosophia. Coste.
ii. COSTE, Jean François.
Oratio habita in capitolio Gulielmopolitano in comitiis Universitatis Virginiaæ, die xii Junii m. dcc. lxxxii. Dùm favente Gallorum Ducum & Militum frequentiâ, Medicæ Cooptationis Laureâ donabatur Christianissimi Regis exercitûs Archiater, Joannes-Franciscus Coste . . . Lugduni Batavorum, 1783.
8vo. 56 leaves including the first blank and the half title.
Quérard II, 299.
Sabin 17021.
Dedicated to George Washington.
Jean François Coste, 1741-1819, a French surgeon who came to the United States in 1780 as Surgeon in Chief to the French forces stationed here. He returned to France and was Surgeon in Chief to the armies under Napoleon.
Dissertatio inauguralis de Cholerâ. Lyons.
iii. LYONS, James.
Dissertatio Medica, inauguralis, de Cholera. Quam, annuente summo numine, ex auctoritate Reverendi admodum viri, D. Gulielmi Robertson, S.S. T.P. Academiæ Edinburgenæ Praefecti . . . Eruditorum examini subjicit Jacobus Lyons, Virginiensis, M. B. Philadelph. Societ. Reg. Med. Edin. Soc. Nec non Soc. Nat. Stud. Sodalis. Ad diem 12. Septembris, hora locoque solitis. Edinburgi: apud Balfour et Smellie, Academiae Typographos. m,dcc,lxxxv . [1785.]
8vo. 20 leaves including the half title and the last blank.
Surgeon General’s Library Cat. I, viii, 464.
On the verso of the 4th (and last) preliminary leaf is written His Excellency Thomas Jefferson Esqr. with best respects from his most obdt & very humble servt the Author.
Oration on the influence of Physical causes on the Moral faculty by Rush.
iv. RUSH, Benjamin.
An Oration, delivered before the American Philosophical Society, held in Philadelphia on the 27th of February, 1786; containing an enquiry into the influence of physical causes upon the moral faculty. By Benjamin Rush, M. D. and professor of chemistry in the University of Pennsylvania . . . The Second edition. Philadelphia, printed: London, reprinted; for C. Dilly, m. dcc. lxxxvi . [1786.]
8vo. 40 leaves.
Sabin 74236.
Surgeon General’s Library Cat. I, xii, 398.
Good, page 271.
Goodman, page 387.
Dedicated to Benjamin Franklin.
The first edition was printed in Philadelphia by Cist in the same year.
For other works by Rush in this catalogue, see the Index.
Eulogiums on Washington 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 156, no. 37, as above.
This book has not been traced. Jefferson’s manuscript catalogue, the Library of Congress printed catalogues of 1815 and 1831 all have the entry Eulogiums on Washington, 8vo. There is no entry in any later Library of Congress catalogue for the Eulogiums on Washington either in a volume or under separate authors. On October 11, 1802, a set of Eulogiums on Washington &c. in 5 volumes was bound for Jefferson by John March of Georgetown, price $2.50.

Volume V : page 29

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