Volume V : page 27

Sm. 8vo. 2 parts in 1, the Greek text followed by the Latin, 50 leaves including the half-title and 56 leaves, separate signatures and pagination.
This edition not in Graesse.
Ebert 112.
Contemporary calf, gilt back, gilt borders on the sides, initialled by Jefferson at sig. I in each alphabet; a few manuscript marginal notes in Greek are probably by him. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Aeschines, c. 389-314 B.C., Greek statesman and orator. Ctesiphon had proposed that Demosthenes should be rewarded with a golden crown for his distinguished services and was immediately accused by Aeschines of having violated the law in introducing such a motion. Aeschines and Demosthenes each delivered a speech resulting in a victory for the latter.
J. 35
Histoire des discours de Ciceron. 12 mo. Paris. 1765.
1815 Catalogue, page 156, no. 9, as above.
[FRÉVAL, Claude François Guillaume de.]
Histoire Raisonnée des Discours de M. T. Cicéron, avec des Notes Critiques, Historiques, &c. A Paris: Chez Babuty, Fils, Libraire, Quai des Augustins, entre les rues Gît-le-cœur & Pavée. Humblot, Libraire, rue Saint-Jacques, entre la rue du Plâtre & celle des Noyers. [De l’Imprimerie de Quillau.] m. dcc. lxv . Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roi. [1765.]
PA6285 .A2 F7
First Edition. 12mo. 132 leaves, printer’s imprint at the end.
Barbier II, 828.
Quérard III, 213.
Rebound in half red morocco by the Library of Congress, with the 1815 Library of Congress bookplate preserved. Not initialled by Jefferson. The name of the author and publisher written on the title-page not by Jefferson.
Claude François Guillaume de Fréval, 1745-1770, a member of the Academies of Bordeaux, La Rochelle, Villefranche and Lyons, died at the age of twenty-five, [punct. sic-- Ed.] In his preface to this work he mentions the work of the Abbé Prévost, q.v. no. 4634, and his translation of Middleton’s Life of Cicero, to which Jefferson’s note in that book has reference: La vie de Cicéron, traduite de l’anglois, de M. Middleton, par le célebre auteur des Mémoires d’un homme de qualité, m’a été fort utile; j’en ai tiré plusieurs notes intéressantes, & des remarques aussi sçavantes que lumineuses. J’ai eu soin de citer quand cela m’est arrivé. Peu de livres sont mieux faits que le sien, & je reconnois, avec plaisir, que c’est en le lisant que j’ai, conçu la premiere idée de ce petit ouvrage.
Jean Goulin, 1728-1799, professor of history and of medicine at Paris, had studied under the Abbé Batteux when professor of eloquence at the College of Navarre. He corrected the proofs of this work and supplied the Table des Articles at the beginning.
[Senecae Rhetoris opera. in 3 o. op]

[ The same cum oper. Senecae Philos.]
1815 Catalogue, page 157, unnumbered. [Senecæ Rhetoris opera, in operibus Senecæ Philos.]
See Chapter XLIV.
J. 37
Quinctiliani declamationes. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 157, no. 34, as above.
QUINTILIANUS, Marcus Fabius.
M. Fab. Quintiliani Declamationum liber. Cum ejusdem (Ut nonnullis visum) Dialogo de causis corruptæ eloquentiæ. Quæ omnia notis illustrantur. Oxonii: E. Theatro Sheldoniano, cIɔ Iɔ c lxxv. [1675.]
PA6649 .D5 1675

Volume V : page 27

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