Volume V : page 116

English grammar. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 165, no. 36, as above.
A Grammar of the English Tongue, With Notes, Giving the Grounds and Reason of Grammar in General. To which are now added, The Arts of Poetry, Rhetoric, Logic, &c. Making a Compleat System of an English Education. For the Use of the Schools of Great Britain and Ireland. The Second Edition, with Improvements. London: Printed by R. Brugis, for John Brightland. Sold by Mr. Brown and Mr. Tooke at Temple-bar . . . Mr. Freebairn, in Edinburgh; Mr. Dobson, in Dublin; and other Booksellers. mdccxii . [1712.]
12mo. 140 leaves, text in long lines, notes in double columns. The preliminary matter contains the dedication to the Queen; the Approbation of Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq; signed Isaac Bickerstaff, Censor, with Omissions, Errata and an Advertisement on the verso of the same leaf; the Preface; and an ode Upon this Noble Design of an English Education, &c. By Mr. Tate, Poet-Laureat to Her Majesty.
Halkett and Laing II, 399 [By Sir Richard Steele, authority Watt’s Bibliotheca Britannica].
This edition not in Lowndes [1720 edition listed under Steele].
This edition not in the Cambridge Bibl. of Eng. Lit. [other editions listed under Brightland].
Arber III, 675, 2 [By John Brightland].
John Brightland, fl. 1711, English grammarian. The first edition of this work was published in 1711, and was without The Arts of Poetry, Rhetoric, Logic, &c. added to this, the second edition. The attribution to Sir Richard Steele was due to his approbation, as censor, at the beginning.
Burn’s grammar. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 163, no. 37, as above.
[BURN, John.]
A Practical Grammar of the English language: in which, the several Parts of Speech are clearly and methodically explained; their Concord and Government reduced to Grammatical Rules, and illustrated by a Variety of Examples: together with Rules of Composition, or the proper Arrangement of Words in Sentences, also illustrated by Various Examples. For the Use of Schools. Glasgow: Printed by Archibald M’Lean, Junior; And sold by the Booksellers in Great Britain. 1766.
First Edition. 12mo. 110 leaves; errata list. A copy was not available for examination. The title is taken from the card of the University of Texas Library in the National Union Catalog.
Not in Halkett and Laing.
Not in Cushing.
Not in Lowndes.
Watt I, 172.
Allibone I, 296.
John Burn, d. 1793, schoolmaster of Glasgow. This work was published anonymously; the dedication is signed John Burn.
Sheridan’s English grammar. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 167, no. 38, as above.

1839 Catalogue, page 660, no. J. 38, Sheridan, Thomas: Rhetorical Grammar of the English Language, 12mo; Dublin, 1781.
A Rhetorical Grammar of the English Language, Calculated solely for the Purposes of Teaching Propriety of Pronunciaton, and Justness of Delivery, in that

Volume V : page 116

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