Volume I : page 75

en 1776.) The discovery of America by Christoph Colombe, Génois, is recorded under the date 1492. The invention of printing is described under the year 1442: Jean Mentel, Gentilhomme de Strasbourg, à qui on a fait l’honneur de l’invention de l’Imprimerie, si utile aux Lettres & aux Sciences. Pierre Schoiffer, de Gernsheim, travaillant à cette recherche avec Jean Fust & Jean Guttemberg, à Mayence, inventa vers 1450. les lettres mobiles, & ainsi il peut être regardé comme le véritable inventeur de l’Imprimerie, quoique Guttemberg eût fait le premier des essais .
Jean Louis Barbeau de la Bruyère, 1710-1781, French scholar and author, was the editor of this edition.
Russell’s History of Modern Europe. 5. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 13. no. 94, as above.
RUSSELL, William.
The History of Modern Europe. With an Account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and a View of the Progress of Society. From the Rise of the Modern Kingdoms to the Peace of Paris, in 1763. In a Series of Letters from a Nobleman to his Son. A New Edition, enlarged and greatly improved. Vol. I. [-V]. London: Printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson [and others], 1786.
4 vol. 8vo. vol. I, 300 leaves; vol. II, 288 leaves; vol. III, 282 leaves; vol. IV, 284 leaves; vol. V, 283 leaves.
Lowndes IV, page 2156.
Russell’s History of Modern Europe is listed without price on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue, and is included on almost all reading lists and schedules of work prepared by him for others.
William Russell, 1741-1793, Scottish historian and miscellaneous writer. This is the first complete edition of this work. The first edition of the first two volumes was issued anonymously in 1779, followed in 1786 by the remaining three volumes, with the name of the author.
Tableau chronologique de l’histoire de l’Europe de 476 à 1648. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 14. no. 93, as above.
[ LINGUET, Simon Nicolas Henri.]
Esprit de l’Histoire Générale de l’Europe. Depuis l’An 476, jusqu’à la Paix de Westphalie . . . A Londres: de l’Imprimerie de T. Spilsbury, 1783.
First Edition. 8vo. in fours, 252 leaves; list of Subscribers on the last 5 pages.
Barbier II, 187.
Not in Quérard.
Entered in Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 12f.
Simon Nicolas Henri Linguet, 1736-1794, French avocat and publicist. On account of his political opinions he was compelled to live abroad for some years and was in England at the time this book was published. He was guillotined in France in 1794.
Not in the Manuscript Catalogue.
1815 Catalogue, page 10. no. 112, Coup d’oeil politique sur le Continent, par Satadin, [ sic ] 8vo.
[SALADIN, Charles.]
Coup-d’oeil politique sur le Continent . . . Londres: de l’imprimerie de W. et C. Spilsbury, et se trouve chez J. Deboffe, A. Dulau, et T. Boosey, Janvier, 1800. [prix cinq shellings.]
AC901 .M5 Misc. Pamph. 784.

Volume I : page 75

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