Volume I : page 63

Christ, 1753; illustrated in LVI Tables; Of which IV are Introductory & include the Centurys prior to the 1st. Olympiad; And each of the remaining LII contain in one expanded View, 50 Years or Half a Century By the Revd. John Blair L.L.D. . . London: Printed in the Year MDCCLIV. [1754.]
First Edition. Folio. 58 engraved and 15 printed leaves; engraved title, the letterpress by Kitchin after Champion, vignette by S. F. Ravenet after Eisen, engraved leaf of dedication to Philip Earl of Hardwick with his arms by J. Bayly, 3 printed leaves unsigned, B, C, D, each a single leaf, 56 numbered engraved plates of text, double-page with the exception of nos. 21 to 28 which are single leaves, A-I in printed single leaves; the double-page plates are engraved on both sides, the single ones on one side only.
Lowndes I, page 215, erroneously gives 1756 as the first edition.
The three unsigned leaves at the beginning contain the List of Subscribers, which includes Richard Peters, Esq. of Philadelphia; The Library Company of Philadelphia; The Academy of Philadelphia; Mr. Charles Willing, of Philadelphia.
John Blair, d. 1782, Scottish chronologist.
Newton’s chronology. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 13. no. 140, as above.
NEWTON, Sir Isaac.
The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms amended. To which is prefix’d, a Short Chronicle from the First Memory of Things in Europe, to the Conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great. By Sir Isaac Newton. London: Printed for J. Tonson, and J. Osborn and T. Longman, MDCCXXVIII. [1728.]
D59 .N561
First Edition. 4to. 196 leaves; engraved headpiece by Foudrinier, engraved initial, 3 folded engraved plates containing a Description of the Temple of Solomon; a 4 verso has Advertisement and Errata.
Lowndes III, page 1674.
Gray, Sir Isaac Newton, a Bibliography, 309.
Original calf, rebacked, marbled end papers. Initialled by Jefferson at sigs. I and T, and with corrections in ink by him; on page 103 the word Crete is altered to Sicily.
Sir Isaac Newton, 1642-1727. This system of ancient chronology was composed by Newton as a young man when at Cambridge, but not published. In 1715 he gave it to the Princess of Wales who allowed the Abbé Conti to take a copy of it, and in 1725 it was published in France without the permission of Newton who had neglected to answer two letters from Freret, the publisher. Newton then consented to prepare his work for the press, but died in 1727 before the preparation was complete. The book was issued by Newton’s friend, Henry Pemberton, in 1728. The dedication to the Queen is signed by John Conduitt, Newton’s nephew by marriage, who succeeded him as master of the mint.
Helvicus’s chronology. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 11. no. 159, as above.
HELWIG, Christoph.
The Historical and Chronological Theatre of Christopher Helvicus . . . Faithfully done into English according to the two best Editions, viz. that of Francofurt, and that of Oxford. And inlarg’d with Additions all throughout, and continued down to the Present Times. London: Printed by N. Flesher, for George West and John Crosley, Booksellers in Oxford, 1687.
D18 .H49

Volume I : page 63

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