Volume I : page 61

Raleigh’s History of the World in 2 vol. folio is entered in Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue with the price 5/6.
Sir Walter Raleigh, 1552?-1618. The History of the World which covers the period from the Creation to 130 B.C. was first published in 1614, and was Raleigh’s last printed work. It was written between 1607 and 1614, when Raleigh was a prisoner in the Tower, and was intended for Prince Henry, whose death in 1612 deprived Raleigh of his chief motive for the continuation of the work.
Sir William Oldys, 1696-1761, Norroy king-of-arms. This is the first edition of his life of Sir Walter Raleigh.
John Trumbull, 1756-1843, the painter of the Revolution, embarked for London (his second visit) in December 1783. In 1785 he went to Paris, where he met Jefferson, and he returned to London in 1786. During Jefferson's residence in Paris, Trumbull performed numberous commissions for him in London. See the Index.
Hearne’s system of universal history. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 5. no. 101, as above.
HEARNE, Thomas.
Ductor Historicus: or, a short system of Universal History, and an Introduction to the study of it. The Third Edition augmented and improved. In three Books . . . By Tho. Hearne, M. A. of St. Edm. Hall, Oxon. London: Printed by H. Clark, for Tim. Childe, 1714-- Oxford, 1704.
2 vol. 8vo. engraved frontispiece in each volume.
Lowndes II, page 1022.
Thomas Hearne, 1678-1735, English antiquary, was at one time assistant to John Hudson, Librarian of the Bodleian. Soon after taking his degree he refused an opportunity of coming to Maryland as a missionary. The first edition of this work was published in Oxford in 1704, and volume II was not reprinted for this edition.
Not in the Manuscript Catalogue.
1815 Catalogue, page 5. no. 47, Goldsmith’s Essay’s, 12mo.
This entry is not in Jefferson’s manuscript catalogue, and no edition of Goldsmith’s Essays is credited to the Jefferson collection in the later Library of Congress catalogues (in which the Essays are placed in chapter 44). There is not a copy from Jefferson’s Library in the Library of Congress at the present time.
most of the books in this list are entered also in the undated manuscript catalogue, with the prices paid for them
Aurelius Victor, Delphini.
Boemi mores, leges, et ritus omnium gentium. 16s.
Caesarum scriptores post Suetonium. IX. 2. v. 24s. Gryphius. Lugd. 1551. viz. Dion Cassius Nicaeus, Aelius Spartianus, Julius Capitolinus, Aelius Lampridius, Vulcatius Gallicanus, Trebellius Pollio, Flavius Vopiscus, Sextus Aurelius Victor, Pomponius Laetus.
[Caesar.] id. Wetstenii 24 s.
Cornelius Nepos. Wetstenii. p.f. 1745. 24 s.
Dictys Cretensis }
Dares Phrygius } p.f.
Erasmi apophthegmati. 16s.
Florus, Paterculus, Victor, Festus, Corvinus, Eutropius, Paulus diaconus, Cassiodorus, Jornandes, Julius exuperantius. 16 s.
Florus Wetstenii. 1736. 24s.
Gillies’s history of Greece. 4.v. 8 vo.
Justin: Amst. Wetstenii. 24s.
Livy. Elzevir. 1678. p.f.
Polybii libri quinque. Lat. Perotti. 24 s. Lugd. 1548.
Quintus Curtius. Elzevir. 16s. 1656.
id. Elzevir. 16s. 1670.
Sallust Wetstenii. 24 s. 1747.
[Suetonius.] id. diversorum. 24s.
[Tacitus.] id. Foul. 4. v. 16 s.
id. Ital. da Davanzati. 2. v. 12 mo.
Tacitus. Amsterodami 32 s. 1637.
Tacitus Elzevir. 2. v. 24 s.
Valerius Maximus. Elzevir. 1671. 24s. id. 24s.

Volume I : page 61

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