Volume I : page 58

2 vol. 12mo. vol. I, 308 leaves; vol. II, 312 leaves.
Barbier III, 537.
Quérard VIII, page 36.
French marbled calf, gilt backs, marbled end papers, r.e.; initialled by Jefferson at sigs. I and T. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Entered in the undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 7.0.
Adrien Richer, 1720-1798, French author. The first edition of this work was printed in 1753,4, and, according to Barbier, la dédicace de l’auteur, Adrien Richer, au président Hénault, et l’avertissement qui la suit, ont été retranchés dans les exemplaires avec nouveau titre daté de Paris, 1767 .
Charles Pougens, a bookseller of Paris, from whom Jefferson bought books for the Library of Congress.
Histoire ancienne de Milot. 4. v. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 5. no. 55, as above.
MILLOT, Claude François Xavier.
Elémens d’Histoire Générale. Premiere Partie. Histoire Ancienne. Par M. l’Abbé Millot, de l’Académie Françoise, & des Académies de Lyon & de Nancy. Tome Premier [-Quatrieme]. Nouvelle Édition, augmentée. A Paris: chez Durand neveu [de l’Imprimerie de Prault], M. DCC. LXXVIII. Avec Approbation & Privilège du Roi. [1778.]
D59 . M65
4 vol. 12mo. vol. I, 231 leaves; vol. II, 236 leaves; vol. III, 236 leaves; vol. IV, 240 leaves; printer’s imprint at the end.
Quérard VI, page 142.
Not in Backer.
Rebound in half brown morocco by the Library of Congress in 1904. Initialled at sigs. I and T in each volume by Jefferson, who has written on the fly-leaf in vol. I: ‘Millot a du moins le merite d’avoir ecrit l’histoire en philosophe, et de ne s’etre jamais souvenu qu’il etait jesuite et pretre.’ lettre de d’Alembert 57. Voltaire 310.
Jefferson bought three copies of this work from Froullé, on June 27 and August 16, 1787, and January 31, 1789, each set relié, price 12 livres. The one for his own use is listed on the undated manuscript catalogue, with that price.
Millot’s histories are usually to be found on Jefferson’s lists of recommended reading.
Claude François Xavier Millot, 1726-1785, French historian, scholar, and jesuit abbé. D’Alembert’s justification of him as quoted by Jefferson, was originally spoken to reassure the members of the Académie Française, who were hesitating to elect him a member of that body. The Elemens d’Histoire Générale was originally published in 1772,3; it was frequently reprinted, and translated into several languages.
For Jefferson’s copy of Part II. Histoire Moderne , see no. 154.
Histoire ancienne de Rollin. 13. v. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 5. no. 56, as above.
ROLLIN, Charles.
Histoire Ancienne des Egyptiens, des Carthaginois, des Assyriens, des Babyloniens, des Medes et des Perses, des Macedoniens, des Grecs. Par M. Rollin . . . Tome Premier [-Treizieme]. A Amsterdam: chez J. Wetstein et G. Smith, 1735-41, and Paris: chez la Veuve Estienne [de l’Imprimerie de Quillau], 1735,6.
D57 .R7 1735

Volume I : page 58

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