Volume I : page 545

Th: Jefferson presents his compliments & thanks to m( ~ r) Pickering for the accomodation offered of his copy of Knight’s book. the bill which he had recieved from the gentleman who was to procure him a copy had expressly stated it was not to be bought in London; and this was all Th: J. knew of the matter when he had the pleasure of seeing m ( ~ r) Pickering: but this morning the gentleman called on Th: J. and presented him a copy of the book, informing that as soon as he found it was not to be had in the book stores, he got the address of the author & went to him and obtained a copy from him . . .
Jefferson’s copy was bound by John March on April 26, 1806, cost 75 cents, the bill receipted by Milligan on behalf of March, May 30, 1806.
Thomas Andrew Knight, 1759-1838, English vegetable physiologist and horticulturist, was born in Ludlow, Herefordshire. He was a fellow of the Royal Society and of the Linnean Society, and president of the Horticultural Society from 1811 until his death.
This book was also listed by Jefferson in chapter 7, Agriculture.
Tracts in the arts. viz............................................................................... }

Memoires sur les experiences aerostatiques par M. M. Robert. }

Bird’s method of dividing Astronomical instruments by Ludlam. } 4 to.

Whitehurst’s attempt towards invariable measures. }

Plan d’un etablissement d’education nationale. }

Eclaircissements concernant la vigne, les vins etc. par Maupin. }
1815 Catalogue, page 52. no. 100, Tracts in the Arts, Aerostatiques, Bird, Whitehurst, Education. Maupin, 4to.
These tracts were bound together for Jefferson in one volume, 4to, by John March, in August, 1805. They are similarly entered, without price, in his undated manuscript catalogue.
Memoires sur les experiences aerostatiques par M. M. Robert.
i. ROBERT, Frères.
Mémoire sur les Expériences Aérostatiques faites par MM. Robert frères, Ingénieurs-Pensionnaires du Roi. A Paris: de l’Imprimerie de Philippe-Denys Pierres, 1784.
TL620 .R6 A3
First Edition. 4to. 11 leaves: [ ] 1, A-B 4, C 2, engraving on the title representing three men in a balloon riding above the clouds below which a village is being deluged by an electric storm; imprimatur at the end dated 29 Oct. 1784.
Brockett, Bibliography of Aeronautics, 10412.
Bird’s method of dividing Astronomical instruments by Ludlam.
ii. LUDLAM, William.
An introduction and notes, on Mr. Bird’s Method of dividing astronomical instruments. To which is added, a Vocabulary of English and French technical terms . . . London: J. Sewell, 1786.

Volume I : page 545

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