Volume I : page 497

Cronstedt’s Mineralogy by Magellan. 2. v. 8 vo. Lond. 1788.
1815 Catalogue, page 49. no. 1, Cronstadt’s Mineralogy, by Magellon, 2 v 8vo.
CRONSTEDT, Axel Frederic.
An Essay towards a System of Mineralogy. By Axel Frederic Cronstedt, Mine-Master or Superintendant of Mines in Sweden. Translated from the original Swedish, with annotations, and an additional treatise on the Blow-Pipe. By Gustav von Engestrom . . . The second edition, greatly enlarged and improved . . . by John Hyacinth de Magellan . . . In Two Volumes. Vol. I [II]. London: Printed for Charles Dilly. MDCC LXXXVIII. [1788.]
QE362 .C9
2 vol. 8vo. Vol. I, 244 leaves; vol. II, 121 leaves; 2 folded plates of the blow-pipe. The Use of the Blow-Pipe begins on Nnn 7, with half-title on the verso of Nnn 6.
This edition not in Agassiz, and not in Poggendorff.
Bound possibly for Jefferson in sprinkled calf (rebacked). Initialled by Jefferson in both volumes, and with manuscript notes by him in the first (pp. 32 and 64). With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
Entered on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue, with the price, 14/-.
Axel Frederic Cronstedt, 1722-1765, Swedish mineralogist and the discoverer of nickel. The first edition of this work, in Swedish, was printed in Stockholm in 1758.
Gustav von Engestrom, 1738-1813, Swedish mineralogist.
Jean Hyacinthe de Magellan, 1723-1790, Portuguese physician and scientific investigator, was a lineal descendant of Ferdinand Magellan.
Dacosta’s Elements of Conchology. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 49. no. 3, as above, with the reading Da Costa’s.
MENDES da COSTA, Emanuel.
Elements of Conchology: or, an Introduction to the Knowledge of Shells. By Emanuel Mendes Da Costa, Member of the Academia Cæsar. Imper. Nat. Curios. Plinius IV. and of the Botanic Society of Florence. With Seven Plates, containing Figures of every Genus of Shells . . . London: Printed for Benjamin White. MDCCLXXVI. [1776.]
QL403 .M53
First Edition. 8vo. 166 leaves; 7 folded engraved plates of shells; sigs. U 5, 6 are folded printed tables, so signed and correctly paged.
Lowndes II, 579.
Agassiz II, 162.
Rebound in buckram, by the Library of Congress with a modern bookplate. Initialled by Jefferson at sigs. I and T.
Purchased by Jefferson from Lackington, no. 7000 in his catalogue for 1792, (ordered through A. Donald, Nov. 23, 1791 and billed on December 31) price 7/3.
Jefferson also had a copy of Mendes da Costa’s Natural History of Fossils , which is entered in his manuscript catalogue. This was one of the books lent to Edmund Randolph before November 6, 1794, and never returned. See the note to Tull’s Horse-hoeing Husbandry , no. 701.
Emanuel Mendes da Costa, 1717-1791, English naturalist.

Volume I : page 497

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