Volume I : page 493

Les Chenes d’Amerique par Michaux. fol.
1815 Catalogue, page 47. no. 35, as above.
Michaux, André.
Histoire des Chênes de l’Amerique, ou, Descriptions et Figures de toutes les espèces et variétés de Chênes de l’Amérique Septentrionale, considérées sous les rapports de la Botanique, de leur culture et de leur usage. Par André-Michaux, Membre associé de l’Institut national de France, de la Société d’Agriculture de Charleston, Caroline méridionale, etc. A Paris: [chez Fuchs, Villier, Levrault frères] de l’Imprimerie de Crapelet, An IX--1801.
QK495 .Q4 M6
First Edition. Folio. 30 leaves, 36 engraved plates by Plée after P. J. Redouté.
Sabin 48691.
Quérard VI, 111.
Bradley II, 128.
Pritzel 6194.
Jefferson bought a copy of this book from Dufour of Amsterdam on June 16, 1806, billed on that date to T. H. Backer for books bought by him on behalf of Jefferson, price, bound, 24 f. (d’Holl.)
On November 5, 1804, a copy had been sent to him on approval by Reibelt, price $10.00. Jefferson rejected this, but on October 21 of the following year wrote to Reibelt: “ You were so kind as to send for my inspection formerly Michaud’s Histoire des chenes, which I returned because it was too large & unhandy rather an object of the luxe typographique than of use. if you have a smaller edition of the same work I shall be glad to recieve it by the stage. if not, will you indulge me with another examination of the large one, & say what the price is.
Reibelt replied the next day: “. . . Il n’y a pas d’autre edition de Mich. Hist. des Chenes que celle que vous avez vu . . .”
Roscoe’s Address on opening the Botanic garden of Liverpool. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 48. no. 27, as above.
ROSCOE, William.
Address at the opening of the Botanic Garden of Liverpool, previous to opening the Garden, May 3, 1802. Liverpool: Creery, 1802.
First Edition. 8vo. 30 leaves.
Pritzel 7764.
This Address may have been sent to Jefferson by James Maury, who in a letter dated from Liverpool July 16, 1812, mentioned: “. . . Mr. R. [i.e. Roscoe] certainly is one of the most amiable of men in all the relations of society. When last at his house he presented me this pamphlet, which I beg leave to present you in return for the one you have been so good as to send me . . .”
William Roscoe, 1753-1831, English historian, was much interested in the study of botany, and in 1802 opened the Botanic Garden at Liverpool, of which he later compiled the catalogue (see the next title). Roscoe contributed to the Transactions of the Linnean Society , of which he became a member in 1805.
Catalogue of the Botanic garden at Liverpool. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 47. no. 28, as above.
[ROSCOE, William.]
A catalogue of Plants in the Botanic Garden, at Liverpool. Liverpool: Printed by James Smith, 1808.
QK73 .L9 A4

Volume I : page 493

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