Volume I : page 491

Kennedy & Lee’s catalogue of plants & seeds.
iii. Catalogue of Plants and Seeds, sold by Kennedy and Lee, at the Vineyard, Hammersmith. London, 1784.
These three tracts bracketed together are on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue, without price.
Flora Boreali-Americana. Michaux. 2. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 47. no. 18, as above.
Flora Boreali-Americana, Sistens Caracteres Plantarum quas in America septentrionali collegit et detexit Andreas Michaux . . . Tabulis æneis 51 ornata. Tomus Primus [-Secundus]. Parisiis et Argentorati: typis Caroli Crapelet, apud fratres Levrault, Anno XI--1803.
2 vol. 8vo; engraved plates by Plée after P. J. Redouté.
Sabin 48690.
Quérard VI, 111.
Bradley I, 305.
Not in Pritzel.
Jefferson’s copy was bound in calf, gilt, by John March, listed on his bill March 7, 1805, price $2.00 ($1.00 each volume).
The book was purchased from Reibelt in January 1805, price $ 8.64. On December 15, 1804, Reibelt had sent to Jefferson on approval the quarto edition of this work, price $24.00. On January 23, 1805, Jefferson, in a letter to Reibelt, wrote: “ . . . what is the price of the 8 vo. edition of Michaux’ Flora boreali-Americana? the price of the 4 to. edñ deterred me from taking that . . .
Reibelt immediately sent the octavo edition and explained: “. . . La flora Americana, que j’ai eu l’honneur de vous envoyer au Commencement--est en Verité bien chère--c’est le grand papier velin, et la belle reliure, qui en est la cause.”
On July 6, 1806, Michaux’s son, François André Michaux, in sending Jefferson a copy of his own Voÿage à l’ouest des Monts-Alleghanÿs mentioned: “. . . Les ouvrages de mon Pere entitulés l’un, Flora boreali americana &c. et l’autre Hist e. des Chênes de l’Amérique sep le. G d. in fol o. fig. vous sont probablement connus . . .”
In his letter of thanks for the book, written on July 12, Jefferson wrote to Michaux: “ Th: Jefferson . . . possesses the Flora Americana of his father & has seen his work on the American oaks, both of which are valuable additions to our Botanical libraries . . .
André Michaux, 1746-1802, French botanist and naturalist, travelled in America from 1785-1797; the money for his expedition to the Missouri and the West was raised by the American Philosophical Society through Jefferson. The quarto edition of the Flora Boreali-Americana, mentioned above, was the first edition, and was published earlier in the same year.
Le Botaniste Cultivateur. 4. v. 8 to. par Dumont-Courset.
1815 Catalogue, page 47. no. 12, as above.
DUMONT de COURSET, Georges Louis Marie, Baron.
Le botaniste cultivateur, ou, description, culture et usages de la plus grande partie des plantes étrangères, naturalisées et indigènes, cultivées en France et en Angleterre, rangées suivant la méthode de Jussieu; par Dumont-Courset . . . Paris: J. J. Fuchs, 1802-4.

Volume I : page 491

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