Volume I : page 486

others, and is dedicated to Sir Joseph Banks. Acknowledgments are made in the Preface to many, including “that great Master of the english tongue Dr. Samuel Johnson, for his advice in the formation of the botanic language.”
An undated note in Jefferson’s handwriting lists a number of books to be sent from London, including: “ Whatever of Linnaeus’s works has been translated & published by the Litchfeild society since the Systema Vegetabilium which I have.
Jefferson analysed the system of Linnaeus which he compared with that of other scientists in a long letter to Dr. John Manners written from Monticello on February 22, 1814.
Linnaei Fundamenta Botanica. edente Gilibert. 3. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 47. no. 9, as above.
LINNAEUS, Carolus.
Caroli Linnæi, botanicorum principis Fundamenta botanica, in quibus theoria botanices aphoristice traditur [curante J. E. Gilibert.] Coloniæ Allobrogum: sumptibus Piestre & Delamolliere, 1786-7.
3 vol. 8vo. These volumes are vol. 5-7 of the collected works of Linnaeus, published in Coloniae Allobrogum, 1785-7.
Krok, page 451.
Hulth, page 18.
Catalogue of the Works of Linnaeus in the libraries of the British Museum, no. 264, and 21.
Jefferson bought a copy from Froullé on May 30, 1788, price 21 (livres). The price as entered on his undated manuscript catalogue reads: 21 + 6 = 27.
On April 15, 1806 he was offered a copy by P. & C. Roche, price $10.00.
Linnaeus on the Sexes of plants }

   on the Study of nature }by Smith. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 48. no. 4, Linnæus on the Sexes of Plants and Study of nature, by Smith, 8vo.
LINNAEUS, Carolus--SMITH, Sir James Edward.
A dissertation on the sexes of plants. Translated from the Latin of Linnaeus. By James Edward Smith . . . London: printed for the author, and sold by George Nicol, 1786-- Reflections on the Study of Nature. Translated from the Latin of the celebrated Linnaeus . . . ib. 1785.
Together 2 vol. 8vo. First Editions of these translations, 34 and 24 leaves respectively.
Hulth, page 119 and 96.
Catalogue of the Works of Linnaeus in the Libraries of the British Museum, no. 2117 and 1091.
On September 13, 1786, Jefferson wrote from Paris to Stockdale ordering a number of books in boards, including: “ Linnaeus on the sexes of plants. Eng. by Smith. 8 vo. Nicol.
On October 10, 1787, in a letter to Stockdale, Jefferson requested him to send certain books including: “ Linnaeus on the sexes of Plants / Linnaeus’s reflections on the study of nature. } in English
The two books are entered on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue, bracketed together without price.
Sir James Edward Smith, 1759-1828, English botanist, purchased, after the death of the younger Linnaeus, the whole of the library, manuscripts, natural history collections, etc. made by him and his father.
A Dissertation on the sexes of plants is a translation of the Sexum plantarum, first published in Petropoli [St. Petersburg] in 1760. The Reflections on the Study of Nature is a translation of the Preface to Museum S:ae R:ae M:tis Adolphi Friderici first published in Stockholm, 1754.

Volume I : page 486

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