Volume I : page 480

On the day of his purchase of the Italian Matthiolus, April 25, Jefferson bought also from Froullé a French one, Mathiol sur Discoride, fol., price 15 livres. This he returned on May 7, and the price was taken off the bill.
His entry on his undated manuscript catalogue reads: Dioscorides e discorsi del Matthioli. fol. Ven. 1573. [ this is the original of Matthiolus] If by this Jefferson meant that this was Mattioli’s first edition of this work he was in error, the first edition was published in 1544.
Pietro Andrea Mattioli, 1500-1577, Italian botanist.
Theophrasti Eresii Historia plantarum. Gr. Lat. Gazae. commentariis Bodaei à Stapel, Jul. Caes. Scaligeri, & Constantini. fol. Amstel. 1644.
1815 Catalogue, page 48. no. 33, as above.
Theophrasti Eresii de Historia Plantarvm Libri decem, Græce & Latinè. In quibus textum Græcum variis Lectionibus, emendationibus, hiulcorum supplementis: Latinam Gazæ versionem nova interpretatione ad margines: totum opus absolutissimis cum Notis, tum commentariis: item rariorum Plantarum iconibus illustravit Ioannes Bodævs à Stapel, Medicus Amstelodamensis. Accesserunt Ivlii Cæsaris Scaligeri, in eosdem Libros animadversiones: et Roberti Constantini annotationes, cum Indice locupletissimo. Amstelodami: apud Henricum Laurentium, [Typis Judoci Brœrssen] Anno 1644.
QK41 .T3
Folio. 649 leaves, title within an engraved border with portraits, numerous woodcut illustrations of plants in the text; text printed in double columns, printer’s imprint at the end; numerous complimentary verses at the beginning.
Pritzel 10163.
Bradley I, 271.
A copy of Theophras historiae plantarum fol. price 20 livres is on Froullé’s bill to Jefferson under date 25 April, 1789. The book is entered without price in the undated manuscript catalogue.
Jefferson tried to buy the copy of an 8vo. edition of Theophrastus in the Pinelli sale, lot 6625, sending a bid of 7/6 to Mrs. Paradise, from Paris, April 30, 1789, and mentioning that he “ would not chuse to go higher.” Mrs. Paradise replied from London, May 5, 1789, that the “ historia plantarum à Gaza, Lat. 8vo was sold before I received your kind letter of April ye 30th.
Theophrastus of Eresus, c. 372-287 B.C., the pupil, friend and successor of Aristotle, who bequeathed him his library and botanic garden. Theophrastus, the probotanist, stands in relation to botany as Hippocrates does to medicine. The first edition of this work was published in Tarvisii in 1483. This edition of 1644, of which the woodcuts are taken from Gerard’s Herbarium , 1633, is distinguished for the erudite notes of the editor.
Nomenclator Botanicus. Lat. Gal. Angl. Germ. Suec. Dan. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 48. no. 24, as above.
OEDER, Georg Christian.
Nomenclator Botanicus inserviens Floræ Danicæ . . . nomina vernacula in lingua Gallica, Anglica, Germanica, Suecica, Danica, cum nomenclatore Synonimico-Linnæano, et Pharmaceutico-Linnæano. Hafniæ: Heineck et Faber, 1769.

Volume I : page 480

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