Volume I : page 476

I thank you for m( ~ r) Rembrandt Peale’s pamphlet on the mammoth . . .
On September 2, 1803, Charles Willson Peale wrote from Museum: “I have just received the enclosed Pamphlet with Letters from my Sons--they closed their Exhibition of the Skeleton of the Mammoth the 18th of June . . .”
Rembrandt Peale, 1778-1860, portrait and historical painter. In 1803 his father, Charles Willson Peale, successfully recovered near New York two skeletons of the mammoth or mastodon, one of which he sent for exhibition in Europe in charge of Rembrandt and his younger brother Rubens. The war with France closed the exhibition, and the brothers returned to America in 1803.
The pamphlet was published in the Philosophical Magazine , and it is probable a copy was sent to Jefferson by C. W. Peale.
Tracts in Zoology viz............................................................................. }

   Lettres d’un Solitaire sur la version de III. Camus de l’histoire }

  des Animaux d’Aristote
} 4 to.

   Lettera Apologetica del Spallanzani in risposta al S. Hunter sulla }

1815 Catalogue, page 46. no. 40, Tracts in Zoology--to wit, Camus and Spallanzani. 4to.
Two tracts originally bound together for Jefferson in one volume 4to.
i. Lettres d’un Solitaire sur la version de III. Camus de l’histoire nes [ sic -- Ed. ] Animaux d’Aristote.
DEBURE de Saint-Fauxbin, Jean François.
Lettres d’un Solitaire à un académicien de province sur la nouvelle version françoise (par Camus) de l’Histoire des Animaux d’Aristote. Amsterdam et Paris: Lamy, 1784.
First Edition. 4to. 62 leaves; no copy was seen for collation.
Barbier II, col. 1243.
Quérard II, page 415.
Jean François Debure de Saint-Fauxbin, 1741-1825. French hellenist. For the work by Camus see no. 1014.
ii. Lettera Appologetica del Spallanzani in risposta al S. Hunter sulla digestione.
Lettera apologetica in risposta alle osservazioni sulla digestione del sig. Giovanni Hunter. Milano: G. Marelli, 1788.
First Edition. 8vo. 28 leaves; no copy was seen for collation.
Surgeon General’s Library Catalogue II, xvi, 206.
For a note on Spallanzani see no. 1034.
The two tracts are similarly entered as above on Jefferson’s undated catalogue without the price. According to Jefferson both were in 4to format.
Cepede. hist. naturelle des Poissons. 6. v. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 45. no. 33, as above, 5 v 4to.
LACÉPÈDE, Bernard Germain Etienne de la Ville sur Illon, comte de.
Histoire Naturelle des Poissons, par le Citoyen La Cepède, Membre de l’Institut National, et Professeur au Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle. Tome Premier [-Cinquième]. A Paris: chez Plassan, L’An VI de la République.-1798--l’An XI de la République [1803].

Volume I : page 476

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