Volume I : page 472

Ellys’s Zoophytes. 4 to.
1815 Catalogue, page 45. no. 38, as above.
ELLIS, John.
The Natural History of many Curious and Uncommon Zoophytes, Collected from various Parts of the Globe By the Late John Ellis, Esq. F.R.S. . . . Author of the Natural History of English Corallines, and other Works. Systematically Arranged and Described by the Late Daniel Solander, M.D. F.R.S. &c. With Sixty-Two Plates Engraven by Principal Artists. London: Printed for Benjamin White and Son, and Peter Elmsly, 1786.
QL379 .E47
First Edition. 4to. 110 leaves, 63 engraved and numbered plates, most of which are unsigned; on 3 pages at the beginning is a list of Papers of John Ellis, Esq. read at the Royal Society, and printed in the Philosophical Transactions ; the last leaf contains a list of Books of Natural History, printed for Benjamin White and Son.
Lowndes II, 733.
Agassiz II, 343.
Hopkinson, A Bibliography of the Tunicata, page 211.
Entered on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue without price.
John Ellis, 1710?-1776, naturalist, born in Ireland, was at one time agent for West Florida and for Dominica. This work was posthumously published by his daughter Martha Watt, at the request of Sir Joseph Banks, to whom it is dedicated. It was edited by the author’s friend Daniel Charles Solander, 1736-1782, botanist, born in Sweden, who was for a time keeper of the Natural History department in the British Museum. Solander’s name is perpetuated in the genus Solandra, in the names of two small islands, and by the solander case, designed by him.
Baker’s Natural hist. of the Polypus. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 45. no. 28, as above, with the reading History.
BAKER, Henry.
An Attempt towards a Natural History of the Polype: in a Letter to Martin Folkes, Esq; President of the Royal Society . . . The Whole explained every where by great Numbers of proper Figures, and intermixt throughout with Variety of Observations and Experiments. By Henry Baker, Fellow of the Royal Society, and Member of the Society of Antiquaries, in London . . . London: Printed for R. Dodsley, and sold by M. Cooper and J. Cuff, 1743.
QL377 .H9 B2
First Published Edition. 8vo. 111 leaves; engraved plate of the Polype as frontispiece, numerous illustrations in the text.
Lowndes I, 101.
Agassiz I, 181.
Not in Poggendorff.
Roper, Catalogue of Works on the Microscope, page 10, no. 7.
Entered on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue, with the price 3 f 8.
Henry Baker, 1698-1774, English naturalist and poet, was a fellow of the Royal Society and a member of the Society of Antiquaries. He was a successful teacher of the deaf and dumb, was responsible for the introduction of the rhubarb plant into England, and married the youngest daughter of Daniel Defoe.
Martin Folkes, 1690-1754, English antiquary and man of science. The studies on the Polypus begun by him and Baker together were continued by the latter alone, and published first in the Philosophical Transactions , appearing later as a separate treatise.

Volume I : page 472

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