First Edition. 8vo. 8 leaves.
Surgeon General’s Library Catalogue II, iv, 169.
Denys Boyveau-Laffecteur, c. 1750-1812, French physician, was the author of several pamphlets on Rob Anti-Syphilitique, published in 1781 and later
years. It is not clear which was in the Jefferson collection. The title-page of an edition in the Library of Congress (1810)
describes the author as “Médecin, Chimiste et Auteur de ce Remède que depuis 50 ans il fournit aux Hôpitaux de la Marine,
et avec le quel il s’est chargé envers le Gouvernement de la guérison des Malades reconnus incurables par le Mercure et tous
les autres Remèdes”.
Sur l’usage des vegetaux exotiques dans les maladies veneriennes par Dupau.
iv. DUPAU,
Observations sur l’usage des végétaux exotiques, et particulièrement du gayac, de la squine, de la salsepareille, et de la
lobelia syphilitica, dans les maladies vénériennes. Par Jacques Dupau . . .
Paris: chez
Guillot, A
Toulouse, chez l’Auteur,
First Edition. 8vo. 58 leaves; no copy was seen for collation.
Quérard II, page 687.
Not in the
Biographie Médicale.
Not in Eloy.
Surgeon General’s Library Catalogue II, iv, 560.
Jacques Dupau, fl. 1782, French physician of the faculty of Toulouse.
Beddoes observations on Calculus etc.
1815 Catalogue, page 39. no. 67, as above.
Observations on the Nature and Cure of Calculus, Sea Scurvy, Consumption, Catarrh, and Fever: Together with Conjectures upon
several other Subjects of Physiology and Pathology. By Thomas Beddoes, M.D.
Philadelphia: Printed by
T. Dobson,
R128.7 .B4
8vo. in fours. 148 leaves.
Evans 31782.
This edition not in the
Surgeon General’s Library Catalogue.
Thomas Beddoes, 1760-1808, English physician, noteworthy also for having discovered Humphry Davy, and for having employed James Watt to
construct his apparatus. He married Anna, the sister of Maria Edgeworth.
This is the first American edition of this work, originally published in London in 1793.
Rush’s introductory lectures.
1815 Catalogue, page 41. no. 77, as above.
Sixteen Introductory Lectures, to Courses of Lectures upon the Institutes and Practice of Medicine, with a Syllabus of the
Latter. To which are added, Two Lectures upon the Pleasures of the Senses and of the Mind; with an Inquiry into their proximate
Cause. Delivered in the University of Pennsylvania. By Benjamin Rush, M.D. Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Medicine, in the said University.
Philadelphia: Published by
Bradford and Innskeep,
Fry and Kammerer, Printers,
R117 .R966