Volume I : page 42

First Harlesian Edition. 8vo. 132 leaves. Greek and Latin text on opposite pages.
Ebert 10992.
Calf, gilt line border on the sides, marbled end papers, m.e. Initialled by Jefferson at sig. I. With the Library of Congress 1815 bookplate.
This book was probably purchased in Paris between March 23 and July 25, 1788. On the former date Jefferson ordered a number of books from Van Damme’s catalogue, vol. I, page 310, including Juliani opera 1583. On July 25, 1788 he cancelled the order for this and several other books as he had “ trouvé l’occasion d’acheter ailleurs.” The 1785 edition is listed in the undated catalogue, with the price 2.4+2 (probably including the binding).
Flavius Claudius Julianus, 331-363 A.D., Roman Emperor, usually known as Julian the Apostate.
Theophilus Christopher Harles (Gottlieb Christoph Harless), 1738-1815, German classical scholar and bibliographer.
Julian’s select works by Duncombe 2. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 5. no. 87, as above.
JULIANUS, Flavius Claudius.
Select Works of the Emperor Julian, and some Pieces of the Sophist Libanius, Translated from the Greek. With Notes from Petau, La Bleterie, Gibbon, &c. To which is added, The History of the Emperor Jovian, from the French of the Abbé De La Bleterie. By John Duncombe, M.A. In Two Volumes . . . Volume the First [-Second]. London: Printed by J. Nichols for T. Cadell, MDCCLXXXIV. [1784.]
DG317 .A4
First Edition. 2 vol. 8vo. vol. I. 193 leaves, list of errata on the last leaf; vol. II, 202 leaves; the last a blank; errata on the verso of the penultimate leaf.
Lowndes III, page 1328.
Old calf, repaired with new end papers. Initialled by Jefferson at sigs. I and T in both volumes.
This book was ordered by Jefferson from Paris, in a letter to Stockdale July 1, 1787, to be obtained from Lackington, no. 6522 in the 2d. part of his catalogue for 1787, price 10/6. It is listed, without price, in Jefferson’s undated catalogue.
The first edition of the collected works of Flavius Claudianus Julianus [Julian the Apostate] was published in Paris in 1583.
John Duncombe, 1729-1786, English miscellaneous writer. On the recto of the penultimate leaf of this work Duncombe states that since the printing of the book he is enabled, by the Nouveau Dictionnaire Historique , ( 4me édition, 6 tomes, 8vo. à Caen, 1779) to add an account of a writer to whom he is much obliged, and appends details of the life and works of John Philip René de la Bletterie.
Life of Julian. 12 mo.
1815 Catalogue, page 6. no. 36, as above.
[LA BLETTERIE, Jean Philippe René de-- WILLIAMS, Anna.]
The Life of the Emperor Julian. Translated from the French. And improved with Coins, Notes and a Genealogical Table . . . London: Printed for M. Cooper, 1746.
First edition of this translation. 12mo. 187 leaves, engraved numismatic frontispiece by J.S. Müller.
Lowndes III, page 1238.
Early cards for this book are still in the Library of Congress card catalogue, but the book has disappeared.
Jean Philippe René de La Bletterie, 1696-1772, French historian and man of letters, was professor of eloquence at the College Royal. His Vie de l’empereur Julien was originally published in 1735.
Anna Williams, 1706-1783, English poet, the translator, was a friend of Dr. Johnson with whom she made her home after becoming blind about 1740.

Volume I : page 42

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