Volume I : page 413

The Family companion for health. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 41. no. 46, as above.
The Family Companion for Health . . . or . . . rules which . . . will . . . keep families free from diseases and procure them a long life. London, 1729.
First Edition. 8vo. No copy was located for collation; the above title is from the catalogue of the British Museum Library. A second edition was printed in the following year.
Not in Halkett and Laing.
Not in the Surgeon General’s Library Catalogue.
[Hill’s old man’s guide. bound up with Washington’s journal.]
HILL, Sir John.
The Old Man’s Guide to Health and Longer Life: with rules for Diet, Exercise, and Physic, for preserving a good Constitution, and Preventing Disorders in a bad one. By J. Hill, M.D. Member of the Imperial Academy. The Sixth edition, corrected and enlarged. London: Printed for E. and C. Dilly, 1771.
AC901 .M5 vol. 25
8vo. 28 leaves, engraved vignette on the half-title.
Surgeon General’s Library Catalogue II, vii, 116.
Bound with Washington’s Journal and Douglas’s Vindication of Milton . The three pamphlets were bound together for Jefferson, see the note to no. 473.
Sir John Hill, 1716?-1775, English physician, botanist, actor and miscellaneous writer, obtained his medical diploma from St. Andrews and his title from Sweden. He was the subject of Garrick’s epigram:

For physic and farces his equal there scarce is;

His farces are physic, his physic a farce is.
The date of the first edition of this work seems not to be known. The first available edition is the fourth, published in 1764.
This is the only book from Jefferson’s medical library now in the Library of Congress.
Tableau des varietés de la vie humaine par Daignan. 2. v. 8 vo.
1815 Catalogue, page 41. no. 47, as above.
DAIGNAN, Guillaume.
Tableau des Variétés de la Vie humaine, avec les Avantages & les Désavantages de chaque Constitution; & des Avis très-importans aux Pères & aux Mères sur la Santé de leurs Enfans, de l’un & de l’autre Sexe, sur-tout à l’âge de Puberté . . . Par M. G. Daignan . . . Premier Partie [Seconde Partie]. A Paris: chez l’Auteur, 1786.
RA775 .D13
First Edition. 2 vol. 8vo. vol. I, 207 leaves; vol. II, 195 leaves; 5 large folded Tableaux.
Quérard II, page 370.
Surgeon General’s Library Catalogue I, iii, 582.
Entered on Jefferson’s undated manuscript catalogue, with the price 10 (livres).
Guillaume Daignan, 1732-1812, French physician, was for some years a doctor in the French army.

Volume I : page 413

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